Dān Jurzōn

There, there. There, there…

Babylon 5, motherfuckerz!!

When you say "they" you of course mean us, as in anyone who's been a participant in the decades old charade that is American Democracy, right? We've been getting conned, swindled and tossed to the wolves by our so called leaders of both political stripe since before the turn of the century; the turn of the 18th

Cup?! They need to drink the 50 gallon drum of vile, toxic, excrement laden swill they concocted, those despicably depraved worthless adssholes!! Deep breath…

Among Trump voters he still hold an 82% approval rating, so the fight is going to be much more grueling and long than the "liberal" media might be leading some of us to believe. My brother is a rabid Obama/Clinton loathing Republican who despite everything that's being revealed about Trump's likely close ties to

If you have to ask…

And then Peoria, because nobody with anything even resembling a worthwhile life would dare venture there, thus we haven't a clue what that oft referenced but pitifully innocuous and anonymous town is about. I, for one, am more than mildly curious just what is it about Peoria that commands that all great Broadway

The one time I traveled to that handsome midwest town notorious for its rampant political corruption, virulent crime syndicates, and unforgivably deformed, despoiled pizza was to see the great Buddy Guy perform in his own club, which was a genuinely magical experience. But the real star of that long weekend visit was

"Employee of the Month, ladies and gentlemen." *zap!*

But soooooooooo satisfying. I hate stupid boring ugly Jerry!!!

Excellent catch!! They've hired female writers for season 3, writers who are somehow even more girly than the ones they had, so it's more than reasonable to assume Summer will be more prominently featured. Yay progress!

But Jerry is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying. He's a limp dick. And his dick limps.

Quel dommage.

I caught some of that Bob's Burgers with the demonic music when I half woke up from a Scotch and soda induced nap, and I wasn't sure if I was not only still dreaming—or nightmaring—but maybe also suffering a brain aneurysm. Those mischievous Adult Swim rascals!

Holy Shit!! When I clicked on the video it began to play the new episode but after just a few seconds there was static and increasing flickering and eerie theremin sounds, and then suddenly the picture switched itself over to a broadcast of a grotesque looking alien creature with ridiculous looking silvery gold/green

Yes, yes, and more yes!

And now the healing may begin. But—and don't you dare imagine for a moment that in the foreseeable future you'll be immune from any prompt and vigorous discipline for any other similarly absurd and reckless lapses of intelligence, even if you've got a note from your mental health professional—I'm not sure you're up to

Yeah, but when are you not thinking Sea Monkeys?

Ice Cube wanted to record "Baby Got Back" but Sir Mix A Lot threatened to sit on him if Cube didn't relinquish recording rights, and the rest is Big Butt history.

As a minimally suited, pitifully inadequate personal transportational device, Hover Boards are simply not up to the considerable—and enviable—task of haulin' J Lo's prodigious, pulchritudinous arse.