Dān Jurzōn

But Jimmy had already earned himself his terrible nickname, Slippin' Jimmy, from his years as a fairly successful low stakes conman scamming locals stooges & defrauding insurance companies. He gets a law degree online from the University of American Samoa (?!), he repeatedly disrespects Chuck's law firm for his own

Well then, sux 2 b u, don't it?!! Aha.

Putin is hardly a rube… Ha! Got ya!

Ya know, I'm startin' ta think the Trump family may not be the classy decent folks they want us to think they are. Yeah, I'm gettin' a feelin we're bein' put on just a bit. It's lookin' more 'n' more like these Trumps are disingenuous; maybe even mendacious. Yes, there's a powerful odor of mendacity rising off this

The Right Wing Ideology I'm referring to is that of the American Right Wing morons who like all anti intellectual, unenlightened cretins are more motivated by their profound emotional and psychological afflictions than by a desire for truth. Reality seems to be the last thing with which the Right have any interest in

It worked!!

So, everything on Hallmark channel.

May the foreskin be in you.

Hey, get off my seeso! Wait, not yet!! Aaaarrrggghhh, you've catapulted me into my neighbor's kale patch. Oh well, all's kale that ends kale!

The preamble to the iTunes agreement says that all people are pitiful mindless sheep blindly consuming cynically manufactured pop culture with the voracity of mad cow afflicted sharks. Apple has a weird thing for animal analogies & metaphors.

Paul Ryan is the intellectual leader of the GOP… No, seriously, I'm not shittin' ya!

The trick is to wash it down with a big goblet of orphan tears.

And used that money to buy even nicer bootstraps. Because he's not an animal!

Some of the GOP literally said that: "Healthcare is not a right."

To promote General Welfare? Promote to what, Double General Welfare? Supreme Galactic Emperor Welfare?!

Conservative Ideology is a zero sum game where someone has to lose for another person to win. It's simply the natural order of things, like flying on private jets, or owning everything there is to own…

God is a real sonuvabitch. So is his bastard kid. And the donkey he rode in on!

Now that's some dogma I can sink my teeth into.

I literally RAN out of The Notebook, right into the loving tender arms of my mental health professional. After 38 months of intensive therapeutic treatment I was eventually able to tolerate hearing the word "romcom" spoken in mixed company without immediately eviscerating everyone present and gorging upon their still

Silly, stupid, shitty story trying to get by on boring effects and dull visuals. I never in my life thought I'd ever hear myself actually saying "This global attack of zombies movie is dumb," but there it is.