Dān Jurzōn

"Look at me, suburban dung," Manson told Wesley. "Does this shock you?"

My teachers and dad always said a was a great Joker, and I have the poor grades and ass bruises to prove it.

'Cause yer from Oregon, right?

Dr. Feelgood is built on a really great riff, but the overall song is mundane, and Vince's dumb vocals are annoying. His goofy screech is shit compared to Axl.

Back in Black… I listened to that album with headphones so many, many times, intensely scrutinizing its intensely lush yet brilliantly crisp, superbly produced sound. Superior engineering, as well. I also used to listen to Heart's Dreamboat Annie largely for the same reason; it's impeccable production which is as

If Metallica can be so ridiculously popular, and Green Day somehow passes for Punk, why shouldn't the ignominious Crüe be adorned with society's highest accolades and honored with that ultimate of public approbations, the enviable and inevitable Biopic? OK, I'll tell you why. Because they're spastic, tedious

Fake News!! Look, I agree with you, emphatically, that Britain is certainly an intermittently sane and spastically sublime, dwindling empire. So as long as we're all on the same page I propose we break for an afternoon snack, or as you loony Limeys like to say, we pause for a cupper. Or, perhaps, we wet our beaks on

Firstly, I second your motion to declare the USA a disaster zone, to condemn it, demolish it, and start anew, but this time with the animals—both domesticated and wild—in charge, and all people existing only to serve our natural, primal superiors.



I understand that there exists a particular inflection and pronunciation somewhat common to those regions of the country that you've listed which certain people might accept as reasonably illustrative of what is informally recognized as an American accent. My contention, however, is that this nebulous, vague,

There should now be another cram session where we get to cram their shitty bill up their stinking shit holes all the way to their shit filled heads.

I only ride bareback.

Noise? No, I believe you've mostly just injected your own personal bias, or prejudice, into your reading of Sarah's intent. You're hurling your harsh accusation of racism at Sarah as though you're utterly ignorant of Sarah's other material, as though you're ignorant of her career, and as if you're oblivious of her

You make an interesting point—not unlike the prodigious one atop my vacuous skull—that many larger cities, especially throughout the midwest, are where a more neutral, non specific accent can be heard. This is because those cities tend to be gathering places for people from disparate areas of the country, and even the

Enhanced? More like engrotesquened. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

You, um, you don't understand irony, do you? You do?! Get outta here!! No, seriously, get outta here…

Me: Misogynistic misogynist says what.
DT: What?
Me: Fuck off.

DT also asked Jeff Ross if his dick is real. Then DT grabbed Jeff by the dick and nodded approvingly. But then again, everything feels HUUUGE in DT's tiny hands!

"Emma Watson hit on me. True story, totally true. One night at a post awards show party, I think it was the Golden Globes or the People's Choice Awards, or maybe the Nobel Prize Awards, one of those elegant fancy parties with lots of celebrities and beautiful women, gorgeous women, really gorgeous elegant women, Emma