Dān Jurzōn

So, it's both their tactical distractions as well as their strategic distractions in their combined, cumulative, mutually enhancing impact that are effectively fucking all of us over, totally. To The Max!

Sure, why not, as long our President is so graciously and selflessly devoted to medical research into the profound benefits of highly trained expert technicians performing very alternative, radical hydrotherapy upon him, personally. He pays whores to piss on him.

So, it wasn't so much a band as it was a few dudes standing around in the driveway with no apparent purpose. Get a job, hippies!

Fake News!! Those are NOT the real photos of Trump's inauguration. In those photos the sky is overcast and grey and it's raining, but as The Don In Chief has told us, when he stepped to the podium on that sacred day the storm clouds miraculously parted and with the full and unquestioning approval of God, himself, the

You had a garage? Lucky.

Virtually everything that they do is a distraction and not worth my attention. Despite the fact that they're methodically orchestrating the complete and total collapse of every vital government structure that's currently preventing utter chaos and mayhem from consuming the nation—and the planet—other than that,

Overstimulated Furry. Typical!

Ah, thank you kindly for your considerate explanation. Your comment is now imbued with copious gravitas, on account of its reference to that much esteemed and venerable production, 30 Rock.

JellyBeans is a local euphemism for bathtub meth, right?

Lemme know when the American Doll opens. That's when I unleash my ultra rabid Disqus virus.

Those dagnab New Century heretics! Phooey.

Coke? More likely RC Cola.

These ironic shout outs by SNL will unfortunately only accelerate the already rapidly occurring gentrification of our beloved Pop Media Ghetto. Soon this critically dilapidated, morbidly depressed cyber neighborhood is gonna be overrun with ersatz boho hangouts and trendy hipster eateries populated by equally phony,

I would share your consternation had Mr. Kidkill said something along the lines of "Melissa McCarthy devours the entire CBS craft services table by gradually working it into her unhinged jaw and down her distended straining gullet, devouring in a single motion an army sized array of savory morsels and toothsome

The good people at the Heinz company heartily concur.

Seriously fucked up, yeah.

And her cankles!!

Sessions might be out, but by no means have the Trumpster and his henchmen been discouraged or chastened by this seemingly damning development. On the contrary, the the Mucus Spewing Slug In Chief as well as the slithering GOP slime mold which dutifully trails after him have only become that more determined to proceed


That video reminds of how in the mid 80's - early 90's irony was beginning to seep into the popular culture, and how even the most seemingly innocuous and straight laced creative productions were so often at least tinged with a genuinely odd and maybe even subversive ironic vibe. That deeply bizarre and disturbing