Dān Jurzōn

"Your Highness, the cocainized negroes are revolting."
"You said it. They stink on ice!"

Different strokes for different folks… Get it?!

Is that because the Myanmarian female buttocks is unnaturally narrow, tight and high that it's easily confused for male? Asking for a friend. A creepy, weird friend.

Joltin' Joe, the original Merry Prankster.

And his double doesn't even need to closely resemble Barack, because White people.

And they'll never pin it on ya. You're too smart for 'em!

And Trump has announced that he's been working on a book for some time now. It's Dr. Suess's One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (I Can Read It All by Myself), and he's hoping to get through it without much help from his reading tutor, who is obviously extremely overpaid and certainly not earning the salary no matter

They'll be poutine on a great show, eh.

Yeah, it's your fault that you didn't finish the job. Loose ends. Tsk tsk…

With six you get eggroll.

Madonna's sphincter tightened upon hearing of this news. She still believes herself not only the reigning Pop Queen but also the rightful heir to the all the choice, high profile appearances…

Anybody else thinking that maybe someone read the wrong envelope on November 8th?

Which is why, despite the Big Hit he's proven to be around the globe, I still hold deep and abiding contempt for Pope Francis and all his corrupt, craven demented cronies who all so piously denounce contraception as Demonic, Satanic, and Bubonic…

The hungry bears will do that for you.

"I've heard people, a lot of people are talking about it, Taylor Swift has secretly recorded a version of it. In fact, TS has secretly recorded a version of every song produced, written, or contemplated, ever, and Obama is behind it. He, or his people, but probably him, too, are scheming to control the entire music

And I threw Milk Duds at you from the bleachers in high school. ; p

"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch."

It's just crazy enough to work!

And sprinkle in the Taylor Swift version, for added grit.

He is a perfectly cromulent President.