Dān Jurzōn

Citation needed.

That load he's "taking off" is his bloated demented ass.

My mother is Spanish and every time that commercial came on she would spit out angrily "Corintian leather, what da hell iz DAT?!"

Rudy Giuliani, then, is both an asshole and a scumbag. He "crafted" the Muslim ban, but botched it. Just like he "cleaned up" NYC, while every part of the city other than Times Square continued to be besieged with decay, filth and crime. But he's the hero of 9/11 because he stood upon the smoldering rubble and… did

Well then, apparently, I'm sorely misinformed. What about Greenwich?

Two of my cousins live in Cheyenne, Wyoming and they both voted Trump along with their husbands and their husbands' families. They say that about half the family has gotten more than a little concerned with how Trump has been managing, or not managing his administration. Even though he's signing many Executive Orders

Oh OK, I'll check it out. But if you're scammin' me, I promise I will hunt you down and squirt you in the face with my novelty lapel flower. With Alien blood.

The perfectly timed Comey "reports" along with the relentless email "scandal" discouraged a lot of potential HRC supporters and is what did her in. The Russian Fix was a very real factor.

Also, extreme Gerrymandering.

Conservatives tend to have very conflicted, unresolved issues with Authority, and it all stems from their demented slavish embrace of the Ultimate Authority, God. Since there can be only one true God, and therefore only one true and worthwhile authority figure Conservatives tend to defer to an unreasonable, even

CNN has never shook off it's unearned attitude which it developed during the first Gulf War when Wolf Blitzer was just so completely totally lucky to be working there at the time and he became the Voice of the War. Arthur Kent was "The SCUD Stud" and the pretty face of the war.

"It revels in the silliness." — That's the same, um, allowance that was made by ardent radical fans of The Matrix who seem to believe that it was an intentionally corny movie and that the creative minds behind it were having fun with the silly, trite excesses of it's overblown, plodding, lumbering dialog. I disagree. T

I signed out of Facebook over 18 months ago and haven't been back. The political jabbering and haranguing was too fucking annoying, especially from people who purport to be friends.

OK, OK, fair point, Des Moines is off limits. How 'bout just about anywhere in Texas that isn't Austin? Or better yet Williamson County, Tennessee? Those slack jawed yahoos are more bigoted and racist than a Denny's waiter.

I've turned blue and passed out from holding my breath. 5 or 6 times!

Things are beginning to change. Have you seen the town halls across the country, including in predominantly Republican districts? Those same misguided fools who perhaps blinded with fear and fury voted for Trump are now beginning to realize just how depraved and tyrannical he truly is. And even if they may be in

I realize full well that we live in at least a passing resemblance of a Democracy, conceived in the noblest of intentions to be Of the People, By the People, and For the People, where a freely elected majority representation are the entrusted proxy for all citizens and whose decisions, efforts and opinions must be

You thought? Ha! That's rich. So gooey viscousy rich. Alien blood rich!… OK, now I've annoyed and embarrassed myself.

Yer just jealous! Nyah nyah nyah!

He was asking for it. Literally.