Dān Jurzōn

Listen, those guys worked for pennies, if anything, for so long, either on Vaudeville, in the Catskills, or on the circuit, which was a grueling grind. Often enough, they were ripped off by unscrupulous club owners and greedy managers. If they picked up extra cash here and there maybe it was because they were haunted

I'm assuming Uncle Miltie was pantsless at the time with his prodigious appendage thrashing about wildly, intimidating the security staff and mesmerizing the audience. At least that's the way I'm telling it from now on.

Maybe he mistook her agape jaw as an invitation to escalate his seduction.

Oh, this is barely a thin, runny drizzle compared to how chunky, pasty thick I normally slather it on, lemme tell ya. How dare anyone attempt to besmirch, malign or spitefully and treacherously vilify that most gloriously resplendent manifestation of supremely superior, transcendentally inspired cinematic creativity

Supposedly, it's a self contained promotional clip and not an actual scene from the film. Your pious arrogance both alarms and bores me. Alas, I'm vexed.

It's gonna be a great movie, irregardless.

That's where you're wrong, so wrong. Those "supposedly competent," ostensibly expert professionals behave stupidly for a reason, a very good reason, and you'd know this had you actually paid attention—careful, real attention—to the film. The answers to your glaring, raging question are contained within the film,

You don't seem to be the slightest bit aware that Prometheus was not intended to be and should not be considered to be "an Alien flick." In fact, Prometheus is meant to be a much needed repair to the reputation of Ridley's original conception which those crassly, incompetently realized sequels all so crassly,

Fass on Fass action rules!

Yes. No wait, No. Maybe. Definitely… Um, what was the question? OK, OK, don't get your Fass all in a Bind!

Real people in real life do refer to another person's spouse as "his wife," or "her husband," or "his husband," or "her wife" ALL THE TIME. It's not at all unusual, lazy or stupid writing. At all.

Dat true, Luke Scott directed that scene?! I think it has a superbly developed tension, very self consciously riffing on the original, yet delivering a genuinely potent, powerful, rich and original emotional jolt that resolves so subtly into a menacing foreboding unease. It's not as tantalizingly cryptic or

Holy Fuggin Jebus Cripes! I'm fully rigid; complete, total tumescence!! If it's even 2/3rds as awesome as Prometheus this will be so much better than any of you simple, trite, corny dullards deserve. Narf!!

You ask questions the same way I take a shit: letting the unwanted turds escape from my straining asshole while hoping nothing nasty worms its way back into the still gaping, puckering orifice. That answer yer query, turd brain?

You must be a troll, but even if you are millions of dimwitted mentally defective dullards stubbornly deny the ugly reality their own eyes and ears are presenting them of just what a colossal demented shitbag is DT. Fuck off, you blithering cretinous demented ignorant sad silly worthless troll. Further, eat me.

Remember when Trump ridiculed the physically disabled (other abled) reporter, Serge Kovaleski who suffers from arthrogryposis, by doing a spastic, juvenile imitation of him at one of his rallies? Well, that's why The Bronze Don would be less than thrilled to know that Gene Huber suffers from mental illness. Trump's a

And that lovely sweet fellow he deigned to allow to join him onstage was interviewed afterwards and it was discovered that he's a mentally unstable paranoid schizophrenic. Not exactly the well vetted, ideal poster boy that Trump had assumed he was embracing with his impromptu, perhaps poorly conceived stunt. But

Today I had a debate/argument with my virulently anti-Obama brother over the despicably reckless and time-proven-guaranteed-to-fail program of deregulation which the GOP are currently enacting in a depraved orgy of maniacal idiocy, and once he realized just how inevitable was the ugly reality which their corrupt,

Um, yeah, you're comment is funny, but I DO remember Obama's wild eyed, impossibly enthusiastic band of hysterically merry followers. I went to a few strategy meetings with local organizers for Obama's campaign back in '08 and they were all so maniacally zealous and so preposterously convinced that a glorious new day

Wikileaks! or maybe Baron rats him out?!