Dān Jurzōn

The solution is contained within the problem. He'll most likely self destruct, just as he has self destructed so many times in business with his numerous bankruptcies. His bankruptcies haven't disqualified him from participation in the Great American Shit Fest of Big Business because Big Business is such a bizarre

The right of the individual to declare another a fucktard psycho shall not be infringed or abrogated in the name of social correctness! I stand by my hasty, ill informed diagnosis with uncompromising, unyielding, unintelligible, unhinged fervor!!

I like to picture those two bloated discolored fellas struggling in an awkward 69, like two demented diseased spastic manatees greedily slurping up the other's pustular rancid excretions; a grunting, snorting, quivering mound of horrific unnatural depravity.

Today I watched the story on CBS Sunday Morning on the Trump supporters down in Florida, and so many of them did come off as cult members, utterly entranced and enthralled by their Divine Leader, absolutely convinced that his bigoted, racist, paranoid plan for America is a gloriously wonderful thing, virtually

Yes, that's the practical, functional medical definition of a pathological mental illness, and thus far it's fair to argue that his behavior has not been a hindrance to him achieving his short term goal of occupying the White House. But when you consider his likelihood of achieving his most ambitious and most defining

This sounds like a reasonable diagnosis, or lack thereof, until you consider just how fucking much evidence there is of Trump's considerable psychosis. Yes, psychosis. Over 30 years worth!

She's being Racial, not racist. Big difference.

How can you possibly claim to know with even the vaguest certainty what Trump did or didn't have an interest in doing?! Seriously! He's contradicted, double contradicted, and de-un-re-contradicted himself so many times in every conceivable way that it's absolutely clear that he hasn't the slightest clue what he

Yes, and he did it over and over and over and…

I have little to no opinion on this story, on James Franco, on his substandard very, very independent personal projects, or on whatever impact or influence they may or may not have upon the film industry in general. I only know that he was pretty good in Pineapple Express.

"Flynn revealed no National secrets, and was only following orders." — Bret "Can't See the Forrest for the Massive Tree up my Poorly Wiped Ass" Baier.


He's more suited to an entirely Polka musical played on kazoos.

No, they're certainly none of those things, but it isn't by accident. The current crop of incredibly clueless meatheads and misfits were all chosen precisely for the disruptive impact their behavior would have upon the normal workings of our government. The atypical, unacceptable crew of wrong headed and poorly


If only you'd asked for wine, they would've brought you an entire bottle, or two, and then you woulda been both quenched and smashed.

Nasty business, that.

Aye aye, me mateys. We set sail for Gummi Island come 1st light.

And then heart stopping. His girl "friend" is a crafty assassin.

There have always been—for much much longer than I've been kicking around this kooky kinky marble—people who are utterly undeserving of the attention and even respect which they may garner from segments of the larger public. Often enough and more wildly aggressively, more rabidly than would seem apt—at least to those