Dān Jurzōn

You've peak-ed my appetite for more of your whimsical wordplay.

I can't hiber-wate for that!

Probably Bi-Polar, and off her meds.

Being a public figure is no picnic, especially if you're an utterly incompetent, unqualified, stupid wh*re slut… Yeah, I can't be bothered to think of another bear pun, she ain't worth the effort.

Isn't that exactly what we'd expect a bear to say?


Museums may want to be the focal points of vital cultural exchange and places of energetic social interaction, but too often they're much more so secluded shelters from the hectic, stormy, visceral experience of life. Museums are repositories of past actions; catacombs for long dead historical adventures and dusty

I believe that during regulation play there should no field goals permitted. I hate field goals. With their delicate, floating primness field goals utterly contradict—and mock!—the raw, primal physicality of a touchdown. Whether it's a high flying acrobatic superhuman one handed fingertip reception or a gritty,

Don't mind if I doooooooo!

According to Astrolological predictions it was destined to be a year of upsets and unexpected outcomes: Trump (?!!)

Pro Football is a brutal, often savage, anti-enlightened game that to my mind does not justify its continued existence as suitable entertainment for a civilized society—it's too often a gratuitous indulgence in pointless tribalism and raw blood lust—but that Super Bowl game was truly awesome.

You'd think the "art" museum would recognize the ugly, violent response to LaBeouf's semi-self involved protest/performance—including the police presence, the several arrests, and the "atmosphere of tension"—as a valid and worthwhile work of art, reflecting reality, unvarnished in all it's unpleasant unaesthetic

That's the single most bizarre, disturbing and delicious mental image I've ever conjured.

We've got a chain here, Crown Fried Chicken, that runs delicious succulent rings around KFC. They serve collard greens that are above average and delicious real corn bread.

After I eat KFC the container for my bottom also gets oily as all hell.

Apparently, he's eaten all of Gilbert's Goofy Grapes.

Even Dick Cheney is shaking his head in disbelief. His sneering, sinister, shit filled head.

It's not the quantity of time one spends that's of relevance, it's the quality of the time. You know, what your pitiful parents deprived you of and accounts for your tragically bitter, sour, shitty attitude.

Once more with the stolen valor. You've gifted yourself unearned credit for only deceiving yourself into believing that you've brought a ray of sunshine into my otherwise miserably bleak barren void of a life when, in fact, you've only managed again to expose your pathetically putrid pimply ass to the good and kind

I agree with nearly everything you say in your curiously conflicted comment except for one single word which I feel you're thoroughly disqualified from fair usage and which only serves to undermine if not totally negate whatever sentiment or idea or conceptual concretion you're hoping to convey, and that