Dān Jurzōn

As much as I share your contempt and disgust for this silly clown's defective thinking, it's maybe sage and healthy to remember that these sorts of malignantly myopic, virulently vapid cretins have managed to elect to the highest office in the land the living embodiment of all their most rancid, sour, hateful paranoia.

I'll grant you that you're doing some genuinely effective and subversive trolling, but you give yourself away with your too-fucking-pathetic-to-be-real avatar pict. It looks like a portrait of the typical enthusiastic patrons of a Bob Evans or Golden Corral and who think The Cheesecake Factory is upscale.

And his hairstyle was so decadently avant guarde; a sort of effeminate Marine butch, Flock of Seagulls, New Wave Despot cut.

I just hope I can be stroking in my bedroom at 74. Wait, that's not what you mean, right? Yeah, I'm sure it's not. Irregardless, my hope stands.

Aaaaahhhh. I just wanted to hear you say it. That was awesome! Cheers.

This is a twisted, demented variation on an old racist argument that derives it's inspiration from the fact that following the civil war, during and after reconstruction, it was actually the "Progressive" Democrats who instituted the laws and practices which most effectively discriminated against and disenfranchised

Interestingly, I'm just putting the final polish on my screenplay about a semi sentient whiskey vat that rolls from town to town where it mysteriously presents itself at various drinking establishments patronized by the local working and non working classes, the hoi poloi, the common clave of the Earth—you know,

It 5,000 years. And it's also the Dentists.

I dunno how effective it actually is, at least not yet. Look how lockstep unified Congress is approving Trump's nominations, scarcely flinching and taking it in the ass soooooooo dutifully. If there was any real, worthwhile foment among the GOP masses it would have exposed itself during the outrageous DeVoss debacle.

A fluctuating dollar, regardless of strength, is an opportunity to make huge bundles of cash provided, of course, you've got good solid dependable insider information beforehand, which the President's economic "advisers" always do, mainly because they dictate the fluctuations. Usually, the Federal Reserve is the

When's visiting hours at the "clinic?"

Unless Tomi Lahren delivers her clunky, inept, illiterate babblings completely nude or at least topless I cannot fathom anyone with at least a double digit IQ tolerating her dissonant owl screech. She's like an infinitely more insufferable and smug Bill Maher, but with absolutely none of the wit, or charm, or

Oh OK, that's more reasonable, I can abide those notions much more comfortably. I agree that poor old Bernie was outclassed in both political gamesmanship and practical savvy in terms of exploiting the average dullard's indignant, sanctimonious idiocy. No real shame there.

Again, anything Bernie ranted about that didn't quite add up pales in comparison to Trump's not only severely faulty rationale but also his abhorrently cretinous anti-Democratic declarations. And it's the same situation with Hillary, that despite her obvious, glaring shortcomings which all but completely turned me off

Sure, but where's the entertainment value in a guy and his songs that celebrate retrograde, primitive, dumb behaviors and ideas? OK, Beavis & Butthead were funny, but they didn't try to pass themselves off as talented musical artists. Toby Keith sings SHITTY songs about FUCKIN STUPID SHIT. I'm not yelling, I'm

True. The speed of stupidity is increasing. Accelerating!!

So, is Bernie's "soft" math a bigger, more heinous transgression than Trump's naked, raw fear mongering or even Hillary's blatant entitlement to the throne? You have to place all your rabidly furious complaints in the context of who the other contenders were, and in that light your raging fury against Bernie's

Butt Hurt Mitt Romney just flinched.

OK, now yer just talking crazy. No one's messin' with my annual Winter Solstice 4:45 Sundown Cocktail & Pagan Sacrifice Party, ya hear me?!!

You, uh, you don't understand women, do you?