Dān Jurzōn

Maybe part of Bernie's calculus includes an assumption that the increasingly corrupt, greedy Health"care" corporations could somehow be made to be accountable to the American people for their craven ways. If the country and Congress would unite we could work together to control the exploding costs of medical care and

If you want to label it "Popular Desires/Prejudices" a concern for a less corrupt government and for a planet with a natural environment that isn't critically endangered from over exploitation and neglect, fine label away. But I don't know how you or any rational, sane, conscious person can in any way equate that

Whereas Hillary and Trump are gleaming beacons of truth? *chuckle* ALL mathematical and statistical "facts" during a campaign, and even during a President's tenure are nearly meaningless at best and cynically contrived propaganda at worst.

Not liking DST is like being dissatisfied with one of your pinky toes. Sure, you could snip the poor little bugger off, but how much impact would that actually have upon your life? Leave it alone!

The slightly more reasonable ones are convinced it ALL started with Bill Clinton, so that's something, isn't it?

Well, I've never seen them both on the same stage.

He died doing what he loved most… raping.

She's living La Vida No…

Racism is a helluva drug.

No, you are not incorrect in not failing to to not grasp the negatively charged meaning of that Non Headline, were you not?

For Toby Keith, I have not a single fuck to give.

Thank you for making Woz's point. Bernie Sanders wasn't appealing to popular desires and prejudices. In fact, he was doing the exact opposite, citing facts and truth in the service of a more accurate, more worthwhile experience of reality. But that's just my naive, misinformed, uneducated, ignorant, deluded,

And my Axe!! … … What are we doing?

"SOMETHING SOMETHING CUCK!!!!!! I mean CLUCK!!!" - Chick Fil A spokescow.

Toby Keith is a poor choice, cut him.

You've tenderized my heart with your prime punning. Grade: A!

Good, as in they kept their rampant depravity mostly hidden from the public, with the complicit cooperation of the news media. Those randy Kennedy pussy hounds had free reign over the nation's rich and bountiful supply of willing, and not so willing poontang.

And so do Melania's constant stream of exceptionally handsome, hunky private contractors who are performing various home improvement projects for her, mostly in the Master Bedroom, and almost exclusively in the Master Bed.

But it's only worn if your husband's mallard painting has been selected for the 3 cent stamp.

But what fashion items does a barefoot and pregnant woman need, other than maybe a frilly apron and elegant white elbow gloves?