Dān Jurzōn

You're, uh, easily distracted, arentchya?

Awwww, lookit you trying to form your first coherent thought. How adorable! Don't worry, junior, you keep trying and one of these days, you'll see, you'll be communicating like a real adult. Good effort! Now, off to beddy bye.

Oh fer fuks sake! Gilbert tweeted about the Tsunami in Japan. U coulda googled it, but no, instead you wasted valuable time and energy posting a poorly conceived, ill informed brain fart, just like I'm doing right here and now. Jeesh…

Yeah, because those "minorities" are probably majorities!

Yeah, he'd always eagerly ask me when are we gonna make some more banana pudding.

I bet Kellyanne actually prefers Josh's version, because her name's in it.

It's an epidemic! The Ivanka brand is more radioactive than a Gilbert Gottfried appearance at the Fukushima Laugh Factory.

To be perfectly honest, when I first saw her comment I wasn't sure if there had or hadn't actually been a Bowling Green massacre. We've had so many mass shootings in the recent past that I suspected I'd just forgotten about that one, and I bet Chris Mathews went through the same confusion.

Even Shaia LeBeouoooof doesn't remember that!

That's a bingo!!

The "famous" Bowling Green chili cheese fries were small comfort to the victims of the massacre.

However, Ivanka's line of all natural gluten free kosher dildos are selling well.

Exactly right. And compounding her dementia was the influx of relatively wealthier families into nearby towns which rendered Atco doubly stigmatized as a crappy place. The humiliation and even shame of having to live in dumpy poor Atco while just down the road more affluent white kids were enjoying modern fresh built

I treated my Pence worse than a rented mule. I'd leave him parked outside all winter with his windows down, and I'd let the squirrels build nests in his trunk. I enjoyed abusing that piece of shit ultra conservative demented jalopy.

I'm not 100% certain, but I believe Hispanic commonly refers to the people of those countries which the Spanish Empire colonized. My mother is Spanish—from Spain—and takes great offense whenever someone calls her Hispanic, because Spain certainly was never colonized by another Imperialistic Empire! She, of course, is

Smarch charges in like a rampaging musk ox on meth being ridden by an even more demented musk ox on meth, and teeters out like a roly-poly panda wearing a tight tuxedo t-shirt.

I agree that this right wing nut job's awfulness pales in comparison to Drumph's raging psychopathy, but the "President" is a relatively short term, temporary affliction, whereas a Supreme Court Justice is a long term chronic condition, critically debilitating our national health and rendering our Democracy severely

And there we have the perfect expression of the level of intellect which is so threatened by Stern's satirical silliness. You're words are bland and boring.

Aw, Pence is a fuzzy widdle kitten compared to Drumph. Yes, Putz is a radical right wing uber conservative ultra religious shit bag loon, but he's still better than the bloated demented Cheeto. Ponce de No One at least has a semi human haircut.

WOW! You blew my mind…