Dān Jurzōn

Well, I dunno. I very often found myself laughing hysterically at his outrageously overstated inappropriateness. His instincts for absurdist humor and nearly surreal dramatics were very sharp and highly refined, and his ability to reveal complex, nuanced or formidable social controversies for the preposterous

The straw that broke the craven, repulsive, shitty camel's crooked, cancerous back. Ta da!

Oh, in that case, screw you!… Hey, that did feel good. Reeeeeaaaaal gooooooooood. ; )

In my experience—I'm an unofficial half Jew, my father was a non practicing Jew, my mother a believing Catholic—being observant of Jewish traditional customs absolutely does not preclude a person from being a hypocritical self interested clown. Not to mention any names, but so many of my Jewish clients—I worked as a

See, that's why we like you, Mrs. Alger. It only occurs to you after the fact that Human Feelings might also include negative feelings, and it isn't your default, go to position, such as it is with Trump who compulsively and helplessly assumes the absolute worst in all other people. It's his modus operandi in this

That's a Bingo!!

Ha! I think Stern might have worried more so about becoming one of those pathetically unfunny mediocre radio DJs who long after they've lost their popularity still believe that they're hip and happening and shakin' up their barely conscious listeners with tired, hackneyed schlocky schtick.

Yeah, in a weird way Stern and Trump do share certain qualities which I find repulsive, but at least Stern is actively working to improve himself through therapy and by taking responsibility for whatever harm he may have caused in his more ambitious and reckless younger days. Trump, however, just keeps doubling down

T Rex?! Well, that right there qualifies Stern for the Nobel Peace Prize. Or the Nobel Piece of Ass Prize! I like T Rex.

Ba Ba Trumpy!!

You do realize, don't you, that he has already expressed severely right leaning opinions with regard to basic social issues such as Contraception which shouldn't be the line dividing Conservatives from Liberals, but there it is and there he proudly stands. Abortion is perhaps a more reasonable issue worthy of debate

Jebus Fuggin Cripes, these Bannon drones are even worse than I suspected! Uber NeoCons with massive chips on their shoulders. It's the beginning of the End Game for civilization.

"Qualified" is not the same thing as suitable. He's an ultra conservative uninspired unenlightened dogma fixated reactionary derp. He might be a amiable, pleasant fellow, but so was Ted Bendy. Ha!

It isn't JUST his High School shenanigans that are of concern, but they do help to paint a picture of a man who has for most of his life been a very right leaning if not fanatical proponent of outdated, primitive, useless ideology. A Supreme Court Justice who is primarily motivated my reactionary doctrine is a threat

Actually, in the last month of his Presidency assuming, of course, that the team of ninja nanobots that I just deployed fulfill their mission of entering Donald Trump's inoperable ears and borrow deep into his defective, malfunctioning brain rendering him an insensate, unresponsive, useless zombie which, I realize,

OK, what about his writings in college where he defended Reagan's illegal and unconstitutional IranContra operation? He's a reactionary uber conservative who, like Cheney and his craven demented ilk, believes that Nixon was unjustly railroaded and is determined to make America pay for its misguided unforgivable

I think maybe you might be overly sensitive to these arguably troubling Trump stories, that maybe if you were actively, aggressively engaged in the opposition, committing yourself to the growing movement to physically demonstrate to that colossal douche nozzle that not all Americans are OK with his demented tyranny

I wonder if Trump even realizes that the USA had a Black President? He probably thinks that Barack Obama was a figment of his imagination, a pesky sprite generated by his afflicted psyche taunting him with irksome, trash talking hip hoppy limericks.

A beer in hand is the ONLY way to write a Star Wars screenplay. It's also a good idea to have a righteous dab loaded up in the pipe, should the mood strike. And an Adderall—or 6!—at the ready, to ensure appropriate creative inspiration.

And that's the mysterious, wonderful thing about art and entertainment — personal taste is everything! I don't begrudge or dismiss anyone for their essentially harmless choices in entertainment, art, food, humor, fashion, grooming, or even more peculiar and extreme predilections such as those pertaining to sexual