Dān Jurzōn

It's funny that you'd pick that movie because her costar in that one, Uma Thurman, is another absurdly overrated, nearly amateurish actress who has achieved phenomenal success despite a near total lack of any actual vocal competence. She constantly butchers her roles with peculiar, seemingly demented line readings

It's mostly a matter of her vocal inflection, which is nearly nil. She's so monotone, and when she does manage to fluctuate her tone it's almost always miscalculated and irrelevant to what her character and the scene are attempting to communicate. She has no ear for the music or poetry—if any—of the dialog.

Oh, those crazy hippies with their long hair and their wild tom tom music.

At first their use of that word struck me as outrageously craven; an expression of their profoundly hostile and shamelessly self interested intentions. But when I consider exactly what all administrations have done simply by having Press Secretaries and Communications Directors—attempting to present their behaviors

I detest people who take gratuitous pleasure in pissing upon other people's cornflakes, and I really make an effort to restrain my often immense impulses to do exactly that, but in my personal experience—born to a religious Catholic mother and non practicing Jewish father and attended Catholic elementary school for

I never found Natalie Portman to be that great, or even that good of an actress, but the way she soooo spastically struggled with her admittedly clunky dialog in those dreadful prequels is profoundly cringe worthy. She has very little detectable range, to my eyes and ears, and has such a leaden, stilted, uptight

I like the cut of your jib, Scrawler, sincerely, and I hope I don't come off as contemptuous or scornful of the press in general. I just take everything I read and hear and even see with a sensible grain of salt; healthy all natural beautiful magical pink Himalayan rock salt. Excelsior!

But they did all regularly use "us" and "we" and referred to the USA as fighting radical insurgents who were actually mostly desperate nationals defending their country from invading occupying forces, at least in their own minds. People are usually the last person to recognize their own biases. We are by natural

I appreciate the belief—the hope—that religious faith doesn't necessarily render a person an oblivious imbecile, and I personally know many religious people who are mentally competent and intellectually sophisticated individuals, relatively speaking. But ultimately there is a very real and severe break with reality in

But I ask you to recall how the Major Press, especially televised News Media, almost unanimously jumped on the USA Bandwagon during the Iraq war when they all kept using terminology such as "us" and "we," and were so unbelievably timid about calling Cheney and Rumsfeld on their blatant bullshit. It was a pathetic

Considering what an absurdly large percentage of Americans still believe in God as well as Angels and Demons I'm not at all surprised by people's failure to discern the difference between News outlets that at least make an honest effort to remain impartial and objective, and news outlets that clearly pander to their

That's a Bingo! Except he'd probably be its Queen. Sorry, not sorry!

Aw, you're such a buzz kill. I was so totally relishing this naughty, nasty feeling of me, a middle aged pervert, lusting so lasciviously on a seemingly sweet tender naif. Oh well, there's plenty more pubescent minnows in the sea… Narf!

That certainly explains the popularity of football. And pro wrestling. And the Nightly Business Report…

I suspected you were riffing on some insane thing said by some insane social deviant.

If this comes even half as close as Gotham does to achieving genuine campy fun then it might be worthwhile. It seems like Vanessa Hudgens' job is to just be cute enough to attract 14-29 year old males who aren't necessarily fans of comic books, and also middle aged perverts (me). Do middle aged perverts count as a

Sounds like you've got yerself quite a provocative little theory there; a regular Family Plot… What?! That's a solid Hitchcock reference! Eh, blow it out yer Rear Window.

Rihanna taking a shower is a vivid image which my mind has been crafting on its own, spontaneously, for many years, and now this nasty shitty clickbait article has utterly annihilated it. More like Never Cumming Distractions, amirite?!

I couldn't find the anything worth clicking here for, and I used a ladder.

No, it wasn't bad. It was the baddest.