Dān Jurzōn

I didn't get to see most of the episodes including the season finale, but the couple episode I did catch totally and utterly delighted me. Such a sly and witty premise executed so creatively and confidently. So at the risk of being absurdly presumptuous—why else comment here?!—I'd say this show will achieve a place

If I couldn't say fork at least 50 times a day my ability to express myself would be so forked.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Buffalo Chicken Wings, when properly prepared, are an exquisite gastronomic delight which have brought me intense pleasure and made my life immeasurably better.

There's New England style p**** joints around here—Philly and suburbs—that call themselves London P****. It's just regular crust Neapolitan style p**** but much, much greasier, so for the life of me I can't understand why the hell it exists?!

Fake swearing in is what chief Justice Roberts did. This whole "President" Trump thing is just a big prank!

He's our Bigliest President‽

That's what I did with the word "cuck" so I have ready access to it.

You deserve an award for your grammatical achievement. An Apos-Trophy!

I'm ambivalent about all the diacritical re-marks. I appreciate the attempts at witty references, but I still wanna put a bullet in their asterix.

That's Hysterical!

My Obamacare is flaring up!

A location that no one deems worth bombing. So… Detroit? They must all think it's already been devastated by a nuclear explosion, or two.

But, but, but what about all the fart gas? What of the Fart Gas?!!

If enough nukes are detonated can't the atmosphere, itself, catch fire? Globally? Or am I thinking of Chipotle farts?

I find Bud Light to have an awful taste, like a mildewy sour sponge. Coors light, however, has nearly no taste to me except for a very slight delicate beer-ish fragrance. It's at least drinkable, while Bud Light is vomitable.

"I'm using gold spray paint. We have the best gold spray paint. It's just as shiny as real gold, and I'm pocketing the difference."

I hope there's at least 3 At-Ats in the mix.


It's a Dolphin!!

Nothing compares to an episode of The Big Bang Theory, average or otherwise. The nerve!