Dān Jurzōn

The Russian Front is now advanced to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Sanitary Football Pads. Double duty, half the storage space.

Your friend is what's more commonly referred to as a Skeletor Fucker.

It's the same how people today are nostalgic for the 80's, especially younger people who didn't hafta live through them. They only know those dark, grim, miserably shallow and demented times by it's silly dance music, silly fashions, and silly politics. Nu Wave and EuroPop, Big Shouldered Pastel Colored Jackets, and

Get a haircut, Hippie!!

The younger generations are a bit confused by the older people's obsession with Race and Minority and Gender and Sexuality based issues. They seem to have a much more natural, relaxed and synthesized experience of these aspects of society and are less strident in their demands for politically focused action. They seem

But unrestricted Free Trade is destined to fail. Look what the unrestricted Wall Street markets resulted in. There's "Free Trade" and there's fair trade.

Schumer is a now officially, undeniably a hack. I had lingering hopes for him, but no more. We still have Franken!

But to a considerable degree the working class voted for Obama. The fact that the Right were much more effective in their propaganda against Obama says more about just how craven and soulless those despicable "Conservative" shits are. Sure, the Democratic Party is corrupt and misguided and chaotic, but the GOP is so

Whether or not torture is an effective method of extracting useful, actionable information is irrelevant to people like Rumsfeld, Cheney and Trump. They know full well it's almost entirely just an instrument intended to inflict intense pain and fear upon the victim and upon the larger population whom the victim

I appreciate your sarcasm, it's well justified. Very many of those "idiots" are sane, sensible people who had rational, reasonable concerns with Hillary to begin with. Many people were rightfully suspicious of her motives, her abilities, her trustworthiness, her apparent ambivalence to fundamental Democratic

If we want people to vote—and presumably to vote the same way we vote—we have to be damn fucking sure we have candidates who excite us and motivate us to vote by the virtue of their character, commitment and determination to put community and country ahead of personal gain. That's a rare and special quality that was

Hitchen's was a bitter, malicious drunken peacock who was utterly oblivious of so much of life's wonder. I loved the spectacle of his performance, but he could be miserably narrow minded and was often an intolerant tight ass. Of course, being such an aggressive and uncompromising atheist couldn't have been an easy

Johnny didn't turn on Joan because she "showed a little independence." He was deeply and sincerely upset that after years of being extremely kind and generous to Joan by offering her very frequent guest hosting privileges on his show, and she was for a time his official substitute guest host—an extremely coveted and

Ah, that was the problem. She was not her usually comically brilliant self because she was on her PERIOD.

My highly precise, unequivocally accurate analysis of Kellyanne's tragic and terrifying psycho-sexual pathology is based upon a dense constellation of utterly incriminating evidence as well as common knowledge of meticulously documented historical truths which in their entirety paint an exquisitely damning portrait of

WOW! Eye opening and profoundly disturbing. This helps explain to me how little Kellyanne from shitty little Atco, NJ—20 minutes away from where I lived at the time—could have achieved such a position of power. If her hubby is also a raving mad ProLifer with severe, religiously inflicted brain damage we are all truly

She's a tough, wise ass South Jersey broad who doesn't take shit from no one. But before that she was a tough, wise ass South Jersey teenage girl who grew up without her father and who was so jealous and resentful of the happy cool kids from happy, whole families it drove her insane with self loathing fury.

She's, um, fuckin stupid.

Sidewalk water is my 3rd favorite water, right after old rusting iron gutter water and oxen bladder stored water.