Dān Jurzōn

Insanity loves company. You're all nuts!

Thanks, that was very funny, and very sad.

That's actually very considerate of you to keep a 6 pack of bottled water in your car trunks, so that the victims of your kidnappings at least have access to potable fluids during their hellish nightmare ordeal.

Philly tap water today is actually drinkable and not at all unpleasant, unlike 15 years ago when it was so foul and repulsive it had a nickname, Schuylkill Punch. They finally figured out how to remove the taste of all the rotting mafia and Cowboys fans corpses.

Colorado Rocky water is what makes Coors light tolerable to me, on the very very rare occasion I drink a light beer. Just about any other light beer is nauseating to me. Am I just a victim of cynical marketing or does anyone else taste the difference in Coors?

In Soviet Russia coffee grinds you.

Coffee makers such as drip and Keurig don't quite boil the water so the water isn't heated long enough to do much purification. Filtering water eliminates chlorine and other distasteful elements as well as some minerals and salts which over time build up inside the coffee maker and effect performance by coating the


You are grossly italicized, brah.

This will be the 69th Emmy Awards ceremony, so of course there will be a lot of mutual gratification. Throughout the audience there will be heads bobbing up and down in their neighbor's laps, a forest of feet clad in expensive shoes pointing up to the ornate ceiling, and also hundreds of couples performing oral sex

Is it possible to be exquisitely obese? I mean, "grossly obese" just sounds kinda judgmental and sanctimonious.

Is there a Director's Cut of his radio broadcast War of the Worlds, hopefully one where we get to hear him and his accomplices trying to stifle their snickers and howling uncontrollably realizing just what absolute chaos and mayhem their little theatrical stunt was inciting throughout the land?…

He obviously had enormous unchecked appetites, and I don't just mean food.

And Don Rickels gets paid a pretty penny to do that same thing.

You guessed it… Frank Stallone!

Well, it's not all unfunny. Week to week the quality varies, and within any given episode there's always some clunkers and some genuinely clever well executed funny skits. It's not perfect, and maybe not as impressive as your perhaps nostalgic memories of its earlier days might be affecting your assessment, but it

I am over it. It's the poorly informed, self righteous, ridiculously buffoonish "conservatives" who can't seem to get over it. They blurt it out as though being a Republican in 1861 has even the slightest relation to what the party has devolved into today: narrow minded, arrogant, hostile reactionary deniers of

Don't judge Spicer or Trump by the words that come out of their mouths. Judge them by what's in their hearts which, along with all of the hearts of Trump's administration, are being maintained on a special life support system in a secret underground laboratory, should any of them ever happen to encounter the need for

So, according to Spicer and Trump, simply watching something on TV or on your computer or phone is the same as actively and enthusiastically supporting that thing?

Yes, we know. Your knowledge of a particular fine point of US history is noted, as is your utter lack of awareness of contemporary reality. "Lincoln was a Republican!!"