Dān Jurzōn

Fight Club would be more respected and better received if it had just a little bit more mediocre singing and dancing.

At the company bi annual Purification Ritual & Soul Sacrifice Solstice Shindig.

You are sooooooooo jealous! Jelly much?

Only, apparently, because of the Oscar buzz for the movie. It does take on a preposterously enormous gravity when a film is considered for the Academy Award, doesn't it, and this Newswire is one expression of this absurd phenomenon of our infinitely silly and trite culture, is it not? Yes, yes it is.

So was Hitler.
And also, you guessed it… Frank Stallone!

Miles Davis cuts off whose wang, his own?! Oh, Gosling's. Carry on…

"Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny." - Frank Zappa

That's gotta be a BIG closet! Ba dump bump.

Well, aren't you the hippest hipster in all of hipsterville!

But being so emphatically self conscious and show offy shouldn't be the "point" of it or of any movie. Being emphatically self conscious and "show offy" might be effective approaches for achieving the movie's intended objective—valid methods of subverting the tropes it so enthusiastically seems to embrace—but it

He turned Hamlet into a magically enchanting romantic reverie…

There isn't any other show on TV that I know of that is doing actual live theatrical comedy on a weekly basis (other than Meet the Press). It's the live aspect that sets it apart and hopefully enhances the experience. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. That why the prerecorded bits often stand out as so

RIGHT!! It's an expression of the entirely narcissistic, self involved focus of way too many people today. The world and all it's profoundly bewildering hysterical, even horrific truth is just a lovely quaint backdrop for these two impossibly attractive, outrageously privileged people's puny emotional event. Oh, but

The uniforms are Fabulous!!

I tend to rant like a zealot about the Dead because even in their own time they were the punchline to jokes about being crappy music that makes the hordes of drugged out Dead Heads twitch and spasm like epileptic zombies… OK, that was mostly me saying that, but most people had absolutely no idea what a Dead concert

I read that in both Alec Baldwin's and Seth Meyer's Imitation of Trump voices, which was like a stereophonic blast of comedic horribleness.

"What's the deal these days with people launching into exhaustive rambling tangential discourses as a not-so-subtle distraction after they've been called out for attempting to instigate a comment thread kerfuffle by aggressively, arrogantly and unapologetically declaring some picayune personal preference for this or

Anything can descend into petty bickering, when the party who initiates the bickering fails to appreciate the attempt at humor, or perhaps is not even aware an attempt has been made… Personally, I found Puppet's comment to be somewhat chuckle worthy, and yet I do, in fact, enjoy a nice hefty slab o' carotty cake, and w

Ah bullshit! I bet you one o' them persnickety types what pick the lima beans outta yer succotash.

But, but I agree with Puppet's Puppet. Carrot Cake is terrible - Like urine cakes, but with not enough urine flavor.