Dān Jurzōn

Yes, and this time Jerry was cutoff by a car full of Asian people and Kramer unloaded a torrent of vicious epithets against dentists.

It's almost like the difference between Eddie Murphy's comedic acting personas and his non comedic persona. I think on talk shows and interviews he actually intentionally understates his natural personality in order to distance himself from the more ridiculous, perhaps buffoonish image his film's have projected. It

If I lived in Brooklyn or Portland I'd have it on Kinescope.

Or, even better, fewer Simpsons quotes!

Do tell!

Come in the bag.

Is that beverage hot tea, with honey, wiseguy?!

I'm sure the Clubhouse was abuzz with tales of your bravery!

This broadminded sensitivity to a wider multiplicity of concerns which defines the Liberal or Democrat position is wholly unappreciated or even comprehended by so many Conservatives because they either outright dismiss and disregard the more subtle, nuanced and varying Liberal positions or they simply aren't even

I WISH I'd been in an 18 month coma, and now wish to be in a 48 month coma, or at least until The Demented Giant Cheeto is impeached, found guilty, and forcibly removed office screaming and kicking, in utter disgrace.

It has gotten rather uncivilized in Connecticut, these days. Do you know that in Greenwich you can hardly find a respectable trustworthy accountant to cook your corporation's books?

Florida has grown fetid and rotted with gangrene and will soon drop off of its own afflictions.

Knock yerself out.

Only an hour? I wish!

Bringing the ZIKA with them!

LaPage is such a ridiculous cretin it's a genuinely disturbing, even threatening notion that he holds such a prominent public office. That's the real terror in my life, the persistence of so much miserable idiocy in this world.

Hey Aimee, snap out of it!

I think you hit upon the crux of the matter about people insisting upon universal participation in the voting process. It's a way for certain people to impose their ethical and moral convictions upon society, whereby declaring that people who do not vote should be denied the right to protest is a way of maintaining in

The "sanitization" of MLK by whitey is exactly why so many—far too many—white people instinctually and reflexively celebrate MLK but dismiss Malcolm X, because they've been set up by the popular depictions as opposing ends of the spectrum, where MLK's solemn commitment to non violence is directly contrasted against

As Holmes glumly describes it: tedious.