Dān Jurzōn

I detest procedurals, vehemently, but I find this show to be a pleasurably quaint curiosity. Although the overall quality seems to have declined over its run most evident in frustratingly undeveloped or unfocused characters—I won't say who so as to not ruin the experience for you—it's wry, self aware attitude remains

Local races are important, yes, if you're well informed about all the candidates' qualifications and track records, but how many people actually are? Who really bothers to find out the sociopolitical inclinations, if any, of a candidate for the School Board? And if there are initiatives or propositions on the ballot

If those "minor" candidates have nearly zero chance of winning then what are the actual consequences of writing one of them in? What effect does it have? It's something to perhaps declare at dinner parties, but what is the actual real positive benefit to anyone?! Peace of mind? Reassurance that all is right with the

You've just explained to me something that I believe I've obviously demonstrated that I already knew, that elections have consequences. What you're not grasping—understandably, because it is such a horribly miserable truth—is that many, many, many people had very serious objections to allowing Hillary Clinton to

Which is why I don't pay much attention to any of those normally crucial elements such as plot and story, and instead enjoy the show for it's richly odd characters, good to great performances, and goofy mood. I usually play solitaire or hop on this here AV Club while the show plays whimsically in the background. It's

I'm in NJ so my vote was meaningless, a guaranteed Hillary state, but even still it was an existential crisis choosing between an entrenched, institutionalized probably corrupt political hack and a just plain raving mad batshit cretin.

He's got a point. You Batman nerds are a tiresome, tedious lot. Bring back Clooney!

Rob Schneider is the Stephen Baldwin of that Phony Rat Pack that used to let him tag along.

Vote for who, though? Seriously, for many, many valid worthwhile reasons Hillary simply wasn't as attractive an option as many people seem to need to believe she was. Sure, in retrospect, considering what a colossal monumental tower of worthless garbage Trump truly is Hillary appears to be the more humane, rational

So many people today are confusing the free & rightful expression of conscience with radical, even violent behavior. In this age of Anti Shaming I hope it's still OK to "ignorance shame" a genuine ignoramus.

And then he ate the entrails of his still living victims in a ritualistic orgy of cannibalistic auto eroticism. He is not a good guy.

I like the cut of your jib, as well as the thrust of your… Nevermind.

And Hitler's!

The match is set: Reigning Heavyweight Champion 2016 will meet Cocky Upstart 2017 in the ring to determine the Intercontinental Champion Worst Year Ever. Be There!

I say screw those impressionable 10 year olds for refusing to be discretionary viewers!

Wow! Clayton Purdom has crafted a story that's surprisingly eloquent, polished and satisfying. So often descriptions of this type of art are just as abstract and obtuse as the works themselves appear to be. But Clayton Purdom has rendered this Eno work approachable and attractive, and has done so with wonderfully

Is it irony or tragedy that your comment has been responded to by an ad bot?

There's more than a few valid, worthwhile reasons, but I'll list just a couple of the most essential. And obvious.

The Nobel Peace Prize is certainly a strange if not preposterous fact of his term. They seem to have awarded it to him on the hope that he'd be a fierce and radical proponent for global peace. That's almost an impossibility for an American President who is counted upon by a significant portion of the world's

Trent Reznors with a Pretty Hate Machine. I don't know with what Ken Burns.