Dān Jurzōn

TV is still a thing? Honestly?! Will wonders never cease…

And is your staggering ignorance bliss, like the platitude declares it to be? Are you blissfully dumb?

Considering that Trump has declared business bankruptcy five (5!) times I doubt he's very sensitive to or even concerned with just how devastating personal bankruptcy is to the average citizen. He emerged from each of his perfectly "legal" 5 bankruptcies a better, smarter, stronger man, obviously, and if we're all too

It was great knowing ya…

{{{{{{{comment intercepted}}}}}}}

Allowing a demented tyrant to intimidate you into withholding criticism—even gratuitous mockery—is wrong. Always challenge the powers that be, and let them decide for themselves how to respond, thus revealing their worthiness for the office. And if he's really as tough a guy as he likes to believe then there should be

Well, that was redundant.

But now he has to actually deliver on his promise to bring jobs back to America, and as we're seeing that's not going to be as simple as he's deluded himself into believing. When the jobs don't start flowing back in—or even trickling back in—his radical base will turn on him. His most enthusiastic friends will become

It's good to pee on the king.

The enthusiastic Trump supporters have now fastened upon the delusion that Obama and Hillary were intentionally provoking the Russians, hoping to incite an incident which would ultimately lead to a nuclear war, and so therefore Trump's chummy relationship with Putin is actually a good and decent and noble thing. The

I didn't want to stain the comments section with piss poor puns.

America just enjoyed 8 years of Presidency by a genuinely superior, worthy man who managed some significant achievements despite near absolute GOP opposition, so that's a major check mark in the "positive" box for America. But then we go and do a dang fool thing like elect a delusional, demented sociopath man/child

Certain NJ students in superior (richer) districts excel in math and science to a significant degree, while certain other NJ students in inferior (poorer) districts do not. There are a couple exceptions to this rule, such as the Dr. Ronald E McNair High School in Jersey City which graduates its 80% minority student

You're rattled by that merciless beat down that Seattle received at the gifted and righteous hands of Atlanta yesterday? Yeah, me too.

And if you expand the sampling pool to all of Western Society, or even the entire population of the globe I bet the the percentage of Americans of below average intelligence rises to 75%, or more. Americans are not only depressingly ignorant in subjects such as world geography—or even their own local geography—but are

Don't they also have a food division, which produces canned tuna? Now that's Corporate Synergy! (I know, I know, it's Mitsubishi that sells canned tuna) Hitachi hard drives were the best, most dependable.

Starve without your skeleton key


Oh, but she's totes adorbs!

The Dark Knight of the Living Dead … …(think about it…!)