Dān Jurzōn

OK, good choice. I'd have gone with Kevin Hart, but your idea is good, too.

Personally, I welcome this new briefer, more efficient OF COCKS format. I got things to do, man!

Do they actually think Carrie Underwood even remotely represents the NFL? I suppose she could be seen as an example of someone performing under the influence of a severe concussion.

He thinks he's people!

That's what you get for wearing Cowboys PJs.

I for one welcome our new CG overlords.

Why not TWO CG Leias? Or THREE CG Leias?! Or, or, or… INFINITY CG Leias?!!!!

Mrmphle wmmple, shmpf fffmpft —™∆∞ῼ₸₴→ℓ ►▓┘ ♣♀♂☻☺◙ﭨﭮ ﬗ₳℗₪?!

I'm told Vienna Beef's wieners are better, with more snap. They use them at Shake Shack and there's one downtown Philly so I'll try one there.

I was just kidding. No offense intended! We ate hot dogs at Superdawgs and they we're fine, better than average, but no better than the $2 hot dog I get at the Wawa (Philly suburb) where I can put everything on it that you get on a $6 Superdawg plus chili, which is how God intended hot dogs to be eaten. And Spelled!!

Ha! I debated on that choice for exactly 2 seconds.

Well, you just proved my point!

Thanks! Great article. I'd never read about Frost's inspiration for the show, the murder of a friend's sister. Wow.

I spent some time with Nina Hartley at the Burbank airport waiting for a flight. At least I think it was Nina Hartley. It might have been an electric industrial floor buffer?!

Oh c'mon, Cine, you can't really be a Bean Hater, can you?! There's sooooo many other more worthy things to hate about Chicago. Such as the Cubs, Bears, Bulls, Black Hawks, Deep Dish Pizza, and simple hots dogs with absurdly fancy names. Chicago tacos, however, are superb!

I'd never trust a language where thin chance and fat chance mean the same thing.

Conjugal sex, baby!

Am I overstating my position? Yeah, probably. I'm just trying to make a simple point—not unlike the impressive one atop my vacuous skull—that the historical relevance and malleability of our society's notion of morality renders it nearly useless, considering just how seemingly ineffectual it is to have morality as

Artist are soooo adorably silly, until they kill, dismember, and feast upon your raw still warm limbs.

That's the gist of it and about as much as you really need to appreciate his disposition. David Lynch is like the farmer in that painting "American Gothic" but instead of a pitchfork he's holding a movie camera. He likes to identify himself as an Eagle Scout. It's adorable!