Dān Jurzōn

Seems like it would have been more fun to just go outside and do shit.

Answers are actually just questions, improperly phrased, are they not?

Cleaning his upside down gutters?! Walking his legless hedgehog?! Pre-digesting his Metamucil?! Well, whichever, Lucky!

Yeah, there's a lot of good ol' 'Murican Protestantism in Lynch's imagery and themes. He's well aware of it, too, and does his best to work with, around, and through it. Not quite Calvinist, but fire and brimstone are certainly always waiting in the wings.

So many issues and concepts, so little time… In us humans morality is a guiding and limiting force acting upon the conscience of the individual irrespective of any possibly direct, real consequences, meaning that even if we believe we can get away with stealing we don't do it because it's "wrong" — it violates an

Is not the ultimate closure, in fact, a gaping yawning maw of ineffable uncertainty beckoning us to traverse its irresistible horrific threshold and tumble, eternally, into oblivion? No? Oh well, my bad…

Women tend to prefer the term labia.

Shrimp and Windex.

So, missing it entirely will be the highest possible thrill!

You sad silly suckers, there's no 3rd Season of Twin Peaks coming! There's no 3rd season coming because there wasn't a 2nd season or even a 1st season. There were no seasons of Twin Peaks, at least not any that were produced and aired on this dimension of reality. No, what you all have mistakenly perceived to be two

I sincerely don't get all the "he looks so smug" criticism. Seth MacFarlane looks to me like he's smirking at the excessive love and adoration that so many people lavish upon "celebrities," while at the same time reveling in the same sort of celebrity worship. He admires and respects many of the same artists and

Ah, ya got me!

It's a matter of trust that he'll be keeping the faith of his court ordered driver license suspension.

T-Bone? No, you're Coco. Coco the talking monkey.

I'd watch like a muthahfuckah the episode with guest driver Gary Busey!

They're saving Jar Jar O'Neal for the 4th film, which will really be the 1st episode of the 1st trilogy, but actually 2nd to last in terms of approval by the audience… Help us Obi-Wan O'Neal, you're our only hope!!

I wanted to make an ill informed nasty comment about the The AV Club movie but the Disqus popcorn machine was malfunctioning… That make any sense?!

The Onion Movie WAS terrible, but well considered re-evaluation since it's initial panning has proven it to be fucking terrible.

You don't need to shout. I'm blind, not deaf.

The sequel: C*nt Punter!