Dān Jurzōn

I've been considering shortening my posts, but it's just too damn terrifying a thought. Emasculating. You want a short post?! Didn't think so.

You made me cackle, cackle, and more cackles!!

He's Octoroon, 5/8ths Samoan, and 1/4 Emperor Penguin. Why do you ask?

I tend to see such phenomenon as morality and social justice simply as extensions of our own natural, inherent instinct for self preservation. Morality, it seems, is mostly just a crude, blatant declaration of what is or isn't in one's own interest—and by extension, the interest of the larger society—specifically, a

I look forward to the lingering shots of solitary spruce tree leaves gently swaying in the balmy Austin evening breeze as strangely familiar yet disturbingly inappropriate Mongolian Throat Singing and harpsichord are heard fading in and out, tantalizingly, coquettishly…

I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you. No, not kill you. Wake you. I'd hafta wake you from the deep coma the story would put you in.

No? She's good friends with Uma.

I kinda hafta agree with Jen—very tentatively—that there's a certain not always subtle hint of misogyny in the air of the AV Club's comments section. It's no where near as intensely pungent as you'll encounter at certain other media centric websites which shall remain nameless, but there's an undeniable and sometimes

But everyone is an asshole, and the only people that don't know this inviolable truth are my asshole enemies!

Even if it's Bill Cosby getting repeatedly raped by his cellmate, Mango?!

I could list 6 or 7 Doors songs that I really like, that have impressed themselves upon the deeper, more intimate regions of my psyche, but the thing about the band that I most enjoy is the fact of the impossibly odd contrast of personalities between Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek. Jim is the epitome of impulsive,

While I appreciate and respect your well articulated and presumably correct theoretical description of the challenges inherent in attempting to assign a positive or negative value to any of our actions, I disagree that the more extreme, more graphic expression of man's inhumanity towards man belie the true nature of

I see what you're saying, that from the relative position from which we view history our current condition may appear to be the outcome of a well fought battle between Right and Wrong, and that Right has obviously triumphed. But no, Right has not triumphed, at least not nearly as much as popular culture would like us

No, you're conflating 2 separate and distinct entities: Liberals and Self Satisfied Morons. Liberals who appreciate irony, sarcasm, and paradoxical contradictions—most Liberals, I think—understand when a rape or transgender joke isn't being made at the expense of the rape victim or transgender person, but rather is

Jen Kirkman… she's a comedian, right? Oh yes, I remember her. Great ass!

I like the Doors well enough and think Jim Morrison was very entertaining. He was living theater. Pretentious and self involved, sure, but what quality thespian isn't?! Just like Jim Morrison, even humble sweet harmless Moby is a poser, a raging narcissist, a glam queen, and a ham. All worthwhile performers are

Uh, no. There's a preponderance of evidence supporting the theory that "Liberals" have much better, more clever, more developed and rich senses of humor. Most stand up comics as well as most quality TV, Films, Theater, Music, and Visual Art are decidedly liberal in their sentiments, and the funniest TV shows, films,

But how can being in favor of institutionalized slavery—vicious, inhuman slavery—in any rational, sane way be considered anything else but "on the wrong side of history?"

In Paddy Chayefsky's Network, which is now 4 decades old, he spoke of the Corporatization of the World. When the increasing desperate news anchor Howard Beale, played spectacularly by Peter Finch, learns that the corporation which owns the network, UBS, at which he works is going to be bought out be a Saudi Arabian

That's a Bingo!!!