Dān Jurzōn

Mongo punch Twitter in it's dumb horse face.

I don't even own a vine.

I've had exactly 2 truly horrible bosses who I was able to manage/tolerate/evade for about 18 months each, until finally all my pent up contempt, disgust and fury erupted in the most gloriously spectacular fireworks of raging ranting hysterics. Both times after having the miserable pin headed assholes attempt to

A surprisingly high percentage of "Successful" people in all areas of life in all professions and pursuits qualify as sociopaths. There's a very clear and potent advantage to being narcissistic and self interested to a degree which renders you less vulnerable to exterior obstructions. Sociopaths simply aren't as

That truly is the most disturbing if not terrifying aspect of this macabre spectacle, that SO FUCKING MANY ostensibly competent, rational, sane citizens can actually be SO FUCKING BLIND, DEAF & STUPID?! Millions and millions of 'em…

Thank you for elaborating on that for me. I assumed that´s what musictheoryjoey was referencing, but as you said the difference in the respective party´s guilt—S&S vs. LM—is so vast as to render the analogy absurd. Lorne Michaels might have had financial motives for allowing Trump to host, but the social relevancy of

I´ve worked at Major Banking Institutions, Preeminent Insurance Corporations and the most Respected & Trusted Accounting Firms, and they are ALL colluding to enrich one another, and doing it with the full knowledge and protection of our Government. The system is rigged in favor of Big Business because the Banking

Those idiots could save a lot of $$$ if they just photocopied the covers of all those ¨Political¨ books at the library and then wrapped those photocopied covers around the books they already own and also haven´t read.

I´m not a cretinous, misogynist, bigoted racist, but I vote like one!

How so?

Well, I was hoping at least 3 or even 4 of these final 5 years would be unimaginable magical bliss, but now I´m not so sure…

The Sideshows are now the Main Attraction, Center Ring!

"This is the most public yet of my many humiliations!"

I bet Boner Pill ads are bringing in more cash to networks than anything else!

"It's the Jack Boots. They make him Goose Step."

It's not what people WANT, it's what people instinctually, reflexively respond to, like images of ghastly wounds or grotesque deformities. We're helplessly drawn to freakish horrors!

Sarcasm much?!

Oh, she was into you. Into your wallet, your credit cards, your bank accounts, your car, your soul…

My ex-wife's lawyer agrees with you. Ba dum bump!