Dān Jurzōn

Catherine the Great was a terrible cook.

How do I love thee? Let me count your rings…

Sweetheart, I have chunks of phonies like you in my stool. Step aside, junior, you're blocking the breeze.

No, the truth is not probably in the middle. It's rarely if ever somewhere in the middle when it comes to those "News" channels' bogus debate spectacles. Most often the truth lies very, very decidedly to one side or the other—such as the "fact" of WMDs in Iraq, or the "truth" of America being in a post racial era—if

Healthcare coverage tied to employment didn't happen by design in the USA, it's moreso a product of the Capitalist System of incentives and rewards whereby businesses, predominantly larger corporations, used health care coverage and retirement benefits to attract the more "desirable" employees, and was also a form of

It ain't fer sale, bub.

Why are you pursuing me via my comments so vigorously, so maniacally? I believe I've made my disinterest apparent when I failed to giggle in a girlish manner at your previous bold and manly declarations. Stalker!!

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

You're a victim of a cruel, unjust world; a horny, stoned, honorable victim…

Giulliani chased the filth out of Times Square right into City Hall. nyuk nyuk nyuk.

You need sex, Seinfeld Quote Generator!

That's a job duty that only a Capitalist could hate. Go back to 'Murica!

$45 at Cinnabon? So they bought 2 Cinnabons.

30 films? He quit the business after 1 day?!

Whole Foods Organic Slow Claps are rather good but pricey.

This whole situation is giving me… {{{{{{{{{bad vibrations}}}}}}}}}

I'll be pondering, in my room.

That's my gift to you, I choose to ignore your despicable repulsiveness. You're welcome!

Republicans individually may "know" the possible risks of depriving 22-35 million citizens of healthcare, but as a group—as a minimally sentient entity—the GOP are as deaf, dumb and blind as is humanly possible. So fuggin dumb…

Homeopathy is mostly a scam, but shit? Fecal therapy is an ancient practice with millennia of proven results. A daily shit or two IS the shit!!