Dān Jurzōn

Big Crack? You mean Kim Karadashian?! Nyuk nyuk nyuk…

Thank you, but I only take recommendations from my personal Scientician/Media Consultant.

In Soviet Russia, remote control talks to you!

So then, a downloadable video to be experienced on our spiffy brand new 3D 360° virtual reality smartphone headsets!

It can be… all 3 things!

Worked? Nobody works at the AV Club!

All those phony screenwriters and never-gona-happen PhD candidates huddled in Starbucks qualify as a defacto Spacing Guild, taking up all the space.

Moviemaking, despite the crass mercenary reputation of the industry, can be a very idiosyncratic, impractical and irrational enterprise. And thank Gawd fer dat!

If the film is good or decent it could very well inspire youngsters to seek out the books. Hell, even if it's mediocre or even a piss poor flop it just might lead some curious bold bookworms there.

What's all that Arrakis I hear coming from this pun thread?! Don't make me come down there, or I'll give it to you Bene Gesserit.

Jodorowsky how hard I tried.

Hahahaha. Yes, yes there is!

Not even ironically…Oh, that's rich! Thank you, thank you a million billion gazillion times!!!

"This brain-damaged stoner who can't pass his GED named Chad you speak of, we'd like to offer him a position as Executive Producer."

Because you fail to try?!

“Do or Do Not. There is No Try.” Or, try and fail miserably.

Dune-dune. Dune-dune. Dune-dune, Dune-dune. Dune-dune, Dune-dune, Dune-dune Dune-dune, Dune Dune DUNE DUNE. SHARK!!!!

Will it be a… grittless reboot? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aaaaahhh. I kill myself.

TS is truly a ridiculous silly c*nt. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Yes, and she handles the terrible burden so graciously, so seemingly effortlessly. She simply shakes shakes shakes it off.