Dān Jurzōn

Curiously, I seem to still like her, irregardless.

I've got a foolproof proven strategy for winning that desirable gift. First, you buy something you really, really want. Next, show up at the exchange party feigning a cold or an even more contagious and frightful disease—perhaps Ebola—and at the very beginning of the game make a great show of coughing directly on your

Filters?! Bah humbug.

Nobody needs a Faberge Egg, but who's gonna refuse it?!

But that mellow, aged patina is what any discerning brick aficionado most values!


And pregnant!

If you believe for even an instant that you and your presumably well intentioned experiment in social engineering can in any real and worthwhile way override Humankind's innate, natural mode of courtship behaviors which are the sublime product of eons of genetically programmed evolutionary processes, well more power

And that's a gross over generalization of "hot." I was speaking in terms of thermal qualities; actual measured body temperature.

Creeper's gotta creep, Brah!

If you pay any attention to early childhood behavior—and let me tell you I do!—rascally young boys are much, much, MUCH more inclined to engage in physically vigorous, risky behavior, instigating aggressive, bold, perhaps intimate bodily contact with other curious, virile young boys as well as placing themselves into

And interestingly, because the most uneducated and delusional dullards are the ones most likely to emulate Tony's antisocial behavior lo and behold one has been elected President of the most Powerful, Presumably Democratic Nation on Earth. Ta da!

Well, it worked on me, dammit. It worked on me…

Aha! And therein lies the tragedy—the eternal clash of the sexes—where in his fevered, hormonally charged mind that song resonates with the enchanted memory of their first carnal interlude, whereas to her terminally feminine sensibilities it's merely a crass reminder of the heaving, slobbering grotesque beast he and

Philip K. Dick's stories tend to be infused with and conclude on rather melancholic notes. In Blade Runner Riddley Scott embraced that aspect of the story so well and even elevated it to operatic heights which only made the film that much more effective and special.

Yes, Last Man on Earth did a fine and funny job with it. They made the Alpha Male Superstar—Boris Kodjoe's character, Phil 2!—turn out to be a prick. And they killed him!!

And it's probably a lovely basement, as well!

By making Chris Pratt's character something of a villain they're obviously playing against character, hoping to exploit Pratt's charm for more complex, subtle psychological dramatics. But the premise of him being the direct cause of Jennifer's character's grim predicament certainly seems to be be pushing it very far,

One, perhaps, cannot generalize, however, two, or seven, or a cacophonous writhing horde is definitely able to generalize…

The curious if not disturbing fact is that women do actually appreciate—to a very definite degree—being "pursued" by a suitor, so long as they're already attracted to that "pursuing" suitor. A hot guy working hard to win a girl's attention, affection and bed is romantic. It's just not so romantic if the dude is at all