Dān Jurzōn

Peter Gabriel's song works well, but so would Katrina and the Waves' "Walkin' on Sunshine."

John Goodman has slimmed down considerably since then!

If it was April Ludgate he was waking up early it might be rom-comy, sort of. She'd prolly like the idea of being exploited by and trapped with Andy.

Yes, the glitz and glam and "da power" are attractive, desirable attributes, but Tony's spectacularly grizzly demise is such a thoroughly miserable conclusion to his otherwise impressive achievements that you'd have to be a profoundly demented or dimwitted cretin to not feel a considerable amount of disgust, pity and

Margaret Cho is Asian?!… Aw, you sly bastard, you almost had me!

Alex Borstein's emails would be read in Lois Griffin's voice. And Tilda Swinton's, of course, in Peter's.

NIN's "Head Like a Hole" would work fine for me.

I think the more prominent effect of the show for the larger population is akin to the peculiar relationship which Rappers, Ganstas and Gangsta Wannabes have with Scarface. That film's supposed to be a cautionary tale, an expression of the nefarious, sinister, treacherous influence which the criminal life exerts upon

Chocolate covered cotton. Yum!

As badly as the Browns are doing (and have been doing since before recorded history!) I personally wouldn't want to have to line up against them. Even their shittiest member (Corey Coleman?!) could humiliate me and guarantee me an extended hospital visit. I mock pro athletes—especially NFL soldiers—only ironically,

That's good cricket!

Cockney's practically the Queen's English compared to Geordie. It's beyond cryptic.

Ya know, I wasn't too happy with that song when it first came out. A lot of things were pretty shitty back then, things that have only gotten shittier, and I seemed to know that's where those shitty things were headed, to being even shittier. So I wasn't happy about the way things were and to where they were heading,

That's Mr. Jillette to you, junior. These kids today…

See, I seem to feel that it's nearly, if not virtually impossible for anyone to be too loud and obnoxious about atheism. Religious thought and practices as well as the corrupt and malevolent institutions into which they form, I feel, are perhaps the most insidious, pernicious and treacherous forces undermining

Penn Jillette is friends with Greg Gutfeld and he claims that Greg is actually much more of a Liberal, at least socially, and that he's just playing a character on his show, kinda like Stephen Colbert did, but not as committed, or creative, or funny. Penn said during a radio interview that Greg even told him that he

Aha! Foisted on your own vocabulary petards!

Are you sure you should be posting comments while you're suffering under the influence of your womanly curse? Isn't your judgement as well as your temperament simply too precariously volatile to be so publicly displayed, for all of us menfolk to gawk at so condescendingly, chuckling to ourselves how grateful we are to

Heaven's packed up and gone…

A semi-colon? That's interrupted anal sex.