Dān Jurzōn

Fucking her while she's on her period is not Trump's style. He'd first have her hermetically sealed up like a leaking basement. Even then, he'd only use one of his golden probes, attached to a long pole, so he'd be at a safe distance.

If she bleeds, we ALL bleed. Seems fair.

Me? No, I can't comprehend it. I guess I'm too stupid…

Well, you certainly took care of Hillary. I spoze you expect to be thanked for that, huh?

All these loudmouthed cretins couldn't have cut it in the SS or even the regular German Army, those ridiculous fat fucks. Black and brown uniforms can conceal their bloated pasty bodies only so much. It would take some miraculous clothing to render the hordes of bigoted assholes fit for service, maybe a Turbo Thigh

Seems reasonable. What's your complaint?

Time for a reboot of Back to the Future, but it'll be about returning to a past that only existed in the foggy fevered imaginations of cretinous bigots, racists and white supremacists. Call it Back to the Fourth Reich!

Yes, young Skywalker, I can feel the hatred in you rising!!

And he was the original ironically bearded hipster!

"…getting in a fight or got arrested or got a DUI or something" - Still fun! Unless you're a cuck.

That's a Bingo!

See, the thing is Obama was just a Celebrity Apprentice, whereas Trump is a Celebrity Master, a supremely superior and worthy bearer of the title. See?

Now you've gone too far.

The Fox "comedy" shows—The Greg Gutfeld Show and Red Eye w/ Tom Shillue—have actually been rather humorous lately. They seem to be enjoying generally pissing on Trump and his demented campaign of filling the DC swamp even deeper. The prospect of hardcore government hating radicals filling key administration positions

More like, the twist is the audience are all dead people. Well, brain dead, anyway.

That's the sequel.

You're doing good work. Bless you.

Oh, well this changes everything. This is the critical element which utterly reverses my ill informed, premature, prejudiced opinion and renders the film a divinely inspired creative revelation of the highest, most transcendent order. Alleluiah!!

The TV ads for this movie have me desperately wishing that my dear saintly mother had followed though on her drunken, drug addled thoughts of aborting me. Alas, I simply do not wish to live in a world where this sort of heinous awfulness is allowed to exist. Oh, the humanity!

Well, at least you understand something. Narf!