Dān Jurzōn

Uh, doy?

I blame your remote. Remotely!

Or, Boo hoo hoo.

All the rest can wait as you take your sweet time catching up so long as, of course, you're up to date with Mr. Robot. All others are pretenders to the crown! Also, Search Party is worth binging. So much ironic irony!

You seem pretty confident we're gonna make it till then. Brace yourself for some truly medieval shit, brah.

You puny sad dick. Ha!

Thomas Jefferson was something of a Constitutional scholar, right, but then proceeds to own many humans…

No. You're wrong again, junior. Obama has his faults, some of which are tragically obvious. But if you're going to criticize him you ought to criticize him for those faults and not for the ones which you simply imagine and which are the product of your twisted, warped, feeble mind, you intellectual and social spazz.

That should be a skit on SNL: A bunch of Neo Fascists are watching TV—a SNL skit with Baldwin as Trump—and they're suddenly struck with the gross error of their despicable ways, and they all break down and renounce their cretinous worthless beliefs, and then burst into jubilant, well choreographed song and dance.

No, they're tied into the party financial funding machine, which is not the same thing as the more localized political offices and activist organizations which operate much more autonomously. That's how Trump won, by appealing to the LOCAL authorities and especially the individual voters, as opposed to the statewide

Congress was in absolutely no position to stop Trump during the campaign. None at all. They hold no power over the state's individual political machines, or over who the public chooses to back.

Chevy Chase's relentless portrayal of Gerald Ford as a clumsy boob had a profound impact upon the public's perception of Ford. Ford was a talented college football athlete who was coordinated and physically imposing and who only once or maybe twice was caught on camera tripping on Air Force One's steps, but Chevy's

You are a deluded, demented, profoundly troubled individual whose only connection to reality is the threadbare thin hope that your rabidly furious contempt for Authority will be rewarded by Trump's bloodletting of the establishment. I'm joking, of course, about your mental competence, or apparent lack thereof!, but I

You're such an idiot! Ha!

If you don't already know what will happen with Trump as President it only proves just how blind and ignorant and silly you are. We've already been through many presidencies of demented, deluded, incompetent, inept, full of shit con men assholes, and so we have a damn good idea and plenty of proof to back up our idea.

Why can't Obama be a better speech writer than his speech writers? And why can't he understand and manage policies better than policy directors? There are some people in this world whose minds are simply superior—either by natural gifts or through applied practice, or both—to other people's minds, such as Einstein or

Am I the only one who's beginning to suspect that Trump is feigning complete and total idiocy, like Jar Jar Binks, as a ploy to throw off the forces of the Dark Side, and that soon enough The Don will reveal himself to be a Jedi Master of unequaled cunning, wit, and power battling valiantly for the forces of good and

I understand what you're saying, that no one would be chucking world class accolades at him if his literate, preposterous, wonderful lyrics weren't delivered via superior melodies and rhythms. I sort of concur, but it's his words in all their sublime absurd urgency which most reverberate within the murky, bat filled

It's alright Ma, I'm only Kazooing.

I've come to realize that Dylan's songs—when I'm paying attention—tend to have a considerable dampening, almost depressing effect upon my spirit, but it's the most intensely, sweetly satisfying kind of depression. Amazing.