Dān Jurzōn

Apparently you haven't seen the hidden cam footage of your sphincter that's going viral. It taint me, babe!

Those Hover Brows can burst into flames at any moment. Sumthin about the battery…

The Aristocrats!

Is is the 3rd person singular present indicative of be.

"Whizzz wuzzz wha wheh weee mizzz mozzz mooo…."

If Jimmy Walker is ever awarded a Nobel Prize—for his extraordinary contributions in the field of Sitcom Buffoonery?!—it'll be so ironically and literally perfect when during his acceptance speech he loudly exclaims "Dyn-O-Mite!"

Wow! Thanks so much for your reply. It's a very promising list, and a couple of your recommendations have been presented to me by others including Tan Twan Eng's The Garden of the Evening Mists, which is exactly the sort of historical novel that I really love with its multiple points of reference. I'm leaning towards

What new—or newish—work do you recommend? I haven't read anything contemporary in many years because everything "new" I had picked up after 10 or 20 pages I was disappointed by the quality of the writing. (If you haven't got time for the entirety of my bloated comment you can skip to the last paragraph to read my

Only 200? Bah, a piddling!

The demand for cash is not exclusive to Scientology. There are differences between Scientology and most religions, true, but there are differences between individual religions, some being more financially demanding than others. Some religions have different, less blunt tactics as Scientology, but the result is the


Heheheh. Did I let it slip out?

I also read a couple of L. Ron's earliest adventure crime novels, his pulp fiction which he wrote before he got into the Scifi genre, stories such as Dead Men Kill, and Branded Outlaws which attracted the attention of the publisher who talked L.Ron into writing Scifi.

I thought you were gonna say the evidence that people are morons is the fact that I read Battlefield Earth. You wouldn't be wrong!

No, saying there is no God is not an arbitrary, random bit of fantastical nonsense, which is what Scientology is, as well as all religious BELIEFS. There is absolutely no reliable proof of Alien life forms, especially of any which may have visited Earth millions of years ago, or even this afternoon. And similarly,

I read Battlefield Earth as a way to hopefully glean some insight into the mind of both the founder of Scientology as well as to why the silly cult could possibly be as attractive as it is to its followers. The answer was pretty obvious: people are morons.

As a treatment for my Chronic Intermittent Recurring Congenital Ululation Syndrome (CIRCUS) my phlebotomist prescribed 17.38 continuous hours of full strength undiluted uncut uncircumcised Reggie Watts, and just look at me NOW~~!~~!~~!

Like sands through the hourglass
These are the Daves of our lives.

Toe May Ptomaine!

I don't believe you. You know you were serious!!