Dān Jurzōn

With that bloated Cheeto it's hard to tell where the trolling ends and the psychosis begins.

This song is an aural enema. It flushes out the congested filth of critical thought leaving my mind, spirit and soul hygienically drained and vacuous. Yoink!

I'm sure a major concern for him is that his returns reveal just how little money he's actually donated to charity contradicting his claims that he's a generous donor. He isn't stupid enough to claim donations on his returns when it's so easy for the IRS to verify.

Why didn't you just say “ ”?!

No, Trump turned out to be Bartman!

Georgie Porgie Puddin' Brain is a preposterously inept, incompetent and dumb man who was pretending to perform the duties of whatever public offices he's held including the Presidency of the USA. Cheney was the "sidekick" who was actually the mastermind.

Internet, you really think you can manipulate me like the half-soused nightclub rabble that lap up your inane "observations"?

"…of which he is a part." Proper grammar much?!… Um, yeah, apparently yes, you do proper grammar much. Carry on.

That's because the mail never stops!

See, now you're just attempting to prettify it's awfulness in flavors I do love. No, I will not defile perfectly good and innocent Virgin Olive Oil with cauliflower's unpalatable profane sluttiness!

So many, many, many, many, many, many, many great, great, great, great tunes which stunned me when I first encountered them, it's impossible and actually silly to pick only one, but just for the sake of conformity I'll play along.

Your ideas are ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ad.

"I'm trying to cheer her up, you silly Kraut!!"

It's a '9' year — 2+0+1+6 = 9 — meaning it's a time of great change and realignment of fundamental values. The 9th year is the final year in the cycle and so it's a time of endings, of letting go, of releasing oneself from habits and patterns and fears which are holding us back. In order to move forward we must loosen

With ranch dip it's alright.

Or he'd be well preserved from all the pickling.

I'd rather talk about the entire GOP establishment. And the Democratic establishment. And Cancer. And Cauliflower. What sort of sick twisted mind first cooked cauliflower and thought "Wow, it smells and tastes like a used diaper. Give me more!"

My gut tells me this is a trick. It's you, isn't it?!

Or Trump.

Do they call French Canadians Canucks because they sound like ducks?