Dān Jurzōn

The American Political System; a truly tragic farceur.

I can see Kevin Hart ably handling the Manuel role. And all the other roles, too, including Sybil and Polly. Plus a Kevin Hart hologram, as the ever changing Fawlty Towers sign.

How rude! And for your information those despicable gratuitous cinematic characterizations are total boner killers.

Fantasy Feline Chromatic Disorder, FFCD, is nothing to laugh at.

Oh, right, the viciously abused character who was a comical ethnic stereotype, right, right. Yeah, I loved that little guy… So, did Basil finally kill him?!

Vengeance will be mone!

The second name I'm 100% OK with. The first name, however, I wish was a mythical character whose most notable attribute was his insistence on remaining perfectly silent at all times… I keed, I keed, Russel is OK, too. Sort of.

Um, 1918—the year of the first modern flu epidemic which killed 50 to 60 million people, also WWI which claimed nearly another 10 million people that year alone—begs to differ. Or 1492 when Columbus first set foot on Western Hemisphere soil and set in motion, through the introduction of European disease and viruses

Vienna, Wisconsin.

Not alone, usually.

Such a stain of a human.

No! Belgian fries are relatively thicker cut that are twice fried, while french fries in France are shoestring fries which, while being delicious in their own right, are slightly inferior.

Well then, you're the only one here qualified to offer a cogent, well informed and Cheetos dust covered opinion.

France as a whole doesn't have such prudish reactionary mores. It's just a very puny insignificant minority, hardly equal to the 78% ratio of Americans who believe that an exposed female breast is virulently destructive to the tender vulnerable psyche of the nation's youth. The USA is probably the most sexually

The best remedy for dampened spirits is to vigorously protest a harmless silly stupid movie about horny edibles.

They might be mutes, but what's that have to do with anything?!

Also, specifying a black dildo is less than subtly racist.

Fat shaming is not socially acceptable. Slaughtering defenseless helpless Caribou and Elk with a high powered rifle and calling it Sport, however, is acceptable.

Le Fete du Sausage. It's at a chic new club called My Pants and you're all invited.

I remember when it was called the Boob Tube because of all the boobs. All those adorable, cuddly boobs…