Dān Jurzōn

Maybe he did already know it and he was just seeing if she knew it? Seems like something that wily McConaughey would do.

Pulls it off. Heh heh…

Look, we've got at most 4 years of hysterical idiocy to endure and—if we're doing our jobs—to mock viciously, and then the next phony baloney clown takes over and the whole cycle begins anew. Except, of course, for maybe the catastrophic consequences of any ultra right wing conservative nut job Supreme Court justices

I think maybe you got touched down there.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

"I'm afraid this is going to be an extremely dangerous Operation. Were going to Drop an elephant on you and see if that dislodges the cheap plastic fake Oscar statuette that you've got jammed up your keester. The elephant's name is Dumbo, why do you ask?"

*boom goes the dynamite*

Oy vey, don't get me started on regularity. I've been blocked up like subway riders at a jammed turnstile at rush hour. Three days now I'm carrying this load of logs in my trunk. Enough already. Even the imported prunes have been a bust. And so much cod liver oil! Feh, I might as well shove a stick of dynamite up my

And besides, who's to say that sucking a bag of cocks is an unpleasant experience, one to be wished only upon unpleasant trolls? Perhaps, just maybe, sucking a bag of cocks is a pleasant experience, a real treat?! Thus, the good night.

See, you don't even know that.

My point—dull as it is—is that you're full of shit and we all know it. Anyone treating refugees is too fucking busy to be wasting valuable time on this silly, trivial website, you boneheaded goony twit.

That's what she said!

A least he knows who and where his mom is!

Well, said! I mean typed. Well typed!

Lost toes? That's it? A few little piggies wandered away from their foot home, and you want to be honored like Albert Schweitzer?! How rude.

Lady Gaga is a fun, clever, talented and mostly original musical artist (if you consider ironically ripping off Madonna to be original) whose creative impulses sometimes exceed her capacities. I very much enjoy her musical performances, but she's a mediocre actress, at best. Barbra Streisand, Cher, Frank Sinatra, and

Sure. I wholeheartedly support even the remote chance to torture Trump for all eternity. Immortality would prove to be the Bloated Cheeto Jesus' worst nightmare!

More like books to eat, monsters to woo, and ladies to, um, wrong.

Everybody knows, that everybody dies…

P, U up?