Dān Jurzōn

Maybe all his years of great satire have prevented things from being worse, much worse than they are now, as impossible as that may seem.

Kate Bush. Period. No, even when she's not on her period.

Ah, luv dat tune…

I am always serious. Always. Even when I'm not. Especially when I'm not!

Your staunch, militaristic adherence to a stultifyingly scientific, terminally tedious rationale for your critique of the original poster's preposterously picayune protestation is profoundly… touching.

But didn't this despicable trend begin with Friends and that impossibly, outrageously large NY City apartment which even at that time would have cost 5 times what all of them combined could have afforded? Lousy NY hipsters…

See, the difference is he only seems confused, whereas you—You?! Yes you!!—you're actually confused. Aha!

Mom is a walking bacterial and viral laboratory. Sorry, but you now have every communicable disease known to mankind, including Extra Large Pox, Whooping Farts, and Disqus Syndrome, which is a rectally transmitted condition whose most prominent symptom is the intense compulsion to post hostile, juvenile, and

Yeah, he's very good. I like him.

Hillary Rodham and Debbie Wasserman Schultz should open a quaint B&B upstate New York together, or maybe in Patagonia, or in Mongolia, or in Assholia, anywhere that I'd never, ever again have a remote chance of encountering them, or hearing or seeing anything even remotely pertaining to either of them and their

Javelin. No, no, shot put. Yeah, shot put.

They should alter the logo to have the Chief guzzling some whiskey, cause that would be more accurate. Right? Right?!

Dave's not here.

If the Cubbies can win the Championship there's hope that Trumpenstein won't ravage the globe with infantile malevolence.

Oh I wonder, wonder who
Who wrote the book of love

This might be the first time in my grown up, mature, responsible, serious adult life when I've not felt so contemptuously hostile to the notion of escapist entertainment. I really, really! need some good mindless escapist fun. Desperately.

You look stupid!… Hey, what are we talking about?

The "Lizard Brain" is precisely the area of the cerebral mass at which those spectacular space shoot 'em ups are targeted, intentionally contrived to appeal to that lower, inferior, irrational aspect of the human psyche where resides our base primal instincts. Fear of the unknown, fight or flight, survival, tribalism,

Snark is never necessary, but it's always welcome. Like cheesy breadsticks with pizza. Or nudity in a movie!

Arrival 15: Your Time is Up