Dān Jurzōn

Reluctantly, I began reading your comment, unsure if I was prepared to invest the emotional capital necessary to navigate what so surely promised to be a tortuously tedious slog through formidably maudlin, mawkish terrain. And yes, as I fearfully anticipated, it soon proved to be a miserably grim trek, my passage


It's too massively fucking horrible a reality to even obliquely acknowledge, even through humor, and especially considering just how shitty I thought things were already heading in this country, in this world. This ridiculously grim event is mostly a confirmation of what I've suspected for quite some time that

What, and risk giving the wily savage the opportunity to slaughter and scalp the valiant Christian?

Aww, that's adorable. As if you can feel…

No, the teams do care, to a degree, but their financial concerns tend to override their more decent, sane, socially responsible concerns. Sports—very generally speaking—appeals to the lower, more reptilian aspect of the brain, and as such is less susceptible to rational, evolved, intelligent thought. The primitive

I believe the point of the article—as well as Rhea Butcher's own direct testimony—is that positive change is often less of a clear, logical, straight path, and much more so a complicated, conflicted and even confusing winding journey.

I was pointing out to my mother that the Chief was much less prominent this year and she interrupted me to say how cute the Indian cartoon is. Change is always waaaaaay too slow…

There're gonna put the Chief in Blackface?!

If it were the Cleveland Jesuses I'd be much less offended!

Just to throw salt in a deep fresh horrifically gruesome wound, under Trump this sort of viciously ignorant racism will only grow and invade all echelons and sectors of society. Brace yourselves.

cha-1 (abnormal CHoline Acetyltransferase)

America is the leader of the free world as is so wonderfully demonstrated by the global ubiquity of Burger King franchises. Is there a more fitting expression of US World Domination? And if your nation hasn't been ravaged by the Cola Wars consider yourself lucky!

Surely, you can't be blaming the American people, themselves, for this unprecedented display of profound ignorance and wanton madness? Certainly not the great American citizenry who so confidently elected Little Georgie Puddin' Brain to be their clueless leader (with a little help from the Supreme Court!) and then

What?! It came up organically.

Mmmmm, white chocolate.

Straight? Um…

But Trump isn't really a Republican ideologue. He only appropriated their party to get what he wanted. He's been a moderate Democrat far longer than he's been a radical Conservative, and his intent from the very start was to exploit the fractured, vulnerable Republican party faithful for his own personal glory. He's

I'm sorry, Not sorry!

Thanks fer telling me that!