Dān Jurzōn

Funny, but I firmly object to your cretinous misogyny.

I've been quoting that line all day. Ha ha!

Is that you in your avatar or a famous celebrity with whom I'm utterly unfamiliar?


The Electoral College was devised to protect the nation from the ignorant, misguided, stupid whims of the unwashed idiot masses. And this election result is the consequence of that seemingly wise but ultimately inferior rationale. Those mythically infallible Founding Fathers really fucked up royally with their well

Michael Moore? Maybe it's time for Michael Less!!

As much as I agree with the anti-religion sentiment of your comment I have to say, no, you're being much to melodramatic and grim. Trump is a buffoon with no Congressional support. Look how effectively those congressional drones blocked nearly every one of Obama's initiatives. If they behave even one quarter as

If anyone doubts for an instant that God has a terrific sense of humor, let this hysterical reality set you straight.

He's going to be fucking everywhere that women will allow him to fuck them….

Western Civilization is the ultimate oxymoronic bullshit. There's very little that's civilized about the history or reality of the "civilized" Western world. We have always been, still are, and always will be horrendously depraved, shockingly savage animals. Grow up, Pee Wee, life is terrifyingly irrational and

Shit's always been dark. That's pretty much the natural color of fresh shit.

Or even better, Royal Canadian Mountie, Dudley Do-Right.

How dare you single out teenagers as possibly mindless reactionary drones slavishly consuming the cheap, flimsy commercial excrement comprising the bulk of our cultural heritage. We are ALL guilty of that pathetic sad sin, every single last one of us miserably hypocritical, tragically tedious AV Clubbers. Yoink!

I don't think they've literally got a body count on their resume. Buried Bodies is a figure of speech. It means that Bill and Hillary have made some ugly bargains in their quest for power, that they've been involved in some pretty unscrupulous, even treacherous shenanigans which have been documented in official

No, she has many buried bodies in her past—and future?!—to guard vigilantly. That's just who she and Bill are, have always been: supremely ambitious and strategically motivated political entities.

I would also require copious quantities of barbiturates. My naturally occurring intolerance for any sort of sinister, shady shenanigans—I'm a perfect angel of the most impeccably perfect ethical, moral and spiritual fiber!—would require me to be substantially medicated with powerful tranquilizers in order to endure my

No, it makes her blatantly calculated and perhaps socially inept, to me. I appreciate your feelings of empathy—I, too, frequently make clumsily awkward, socially inept blunders—but you or I aren't running for President, and it's prolly a good thing!!

Well, then that also makes your mom a criminal, purchasing my illegal diseased dogmeat for her own personal carnal pleasures.

Please read my response to WhatsWrongWithWensleydale.

WRONG!!! You seem to need to believe that I´m imagining or projecting nefarious and sinister qualities onto Hillary, but no, it´s her own habitual, well documented history of assuming the characteristics of whatever group she´s addressing, like Zelig, for example taking on the accent and speech patterns of Southern