Dān Jurzōn

That was her intent, obviously, to diffuse whatever suspicion her answer might have raised, but her delivery and facial expression are so comically, um, desperate that she just comes off so pathetic. She´s not a slick polished but charming schmoozer like Bill, at all.

Back at ya!

I´m actually greatly relieved to read that. But then why did she come off so calculated and disingenuous at the time if it was the truth?! She´s doubly frustrating.

She´s not more awkward than those hacks you´ve listed, but she definitely is many times more awkward—and inferior to—her husband. Slick Willy could charm the pants off a nun.

Awwwww. I wasted my false vitriol!

I make my Buffalo Wing sauce with Frank´s. Red Hot, it´s the best. But Frank´s bottled Buffalo Wing Sauce is not good. Fake butter flavoring and too many chemicals. And I prefer Jack Daniels original Barbecue Sauce. Not as sweet.

Uh, right. That´s Hillary´s defense, she can´t taste anything. Such as the taste of all those other women´s musky essence on Billy´s lips…

Counter rebuttal — Your mom loves my meat.

I can compare the two, because that´s what sentient beings do. We compare and contrast all sorts of things, even wholly unrelated things, such as comparing Trump to a human being. It might be pointless, but it´s good clean fun.

Hillary isn´t smarter than me. I stood next to her at her Philly rally in 08 and I´m at least 5 inches taller than her, proving I´m 5 inches smarter than her. I could easily look down on the Interface & Charging Portal on the top of her skull module.

I knew what he or she meant, you tirelessly vigilant do gooding crusader for dreadfully tedious causes! *wink*

Caring about local political races is the first and most tragic sign of alcohol poisoning. Get thee to rehabbery!

I voted twice for the 1st Black President, in the same day!!

The FBI used to be the exception, until fairly recently. Hoover´s maniacally intense psychotic paranoia actually—and perhaps ironically—motivated him to create and maintain an agency with unprecedented levels of competence, integrity and professionalism, and for decades the FBI was one of the few forces which wasn´t

Naw, a semi proficient 5 foot ninja could easily take Comey out with a competent leg sweep. Down goes Comey, down goes Comey!

Um, I dunno. I think Hillary´s righteous, smarter than you, tediously awkward—awkwardly tedious—personality is what brought her a lot of problems. Also, angrily accusing the media of inventing stories about Slick Willy´s frequent and well known infidelities might have contributed to the public´s poor perception of

Well, the fact is so many people literally lost their minds that day and in the days immediately afterwards, the vast majority of whom didn't actually lose anyone closely related or even not so closely related, yet their profound psychological "trauma" might indicate otherwise.

Your musical laundry list could be my own, but I also enjoy Talking Heads' quirky polyrhythmic creations.

Garth Vader Brooks.

Toby Keith IS entirely the joke. Har dee har har…