Dān Jurzōn

Joke? You mean a "ha ha, that's so adorably silly" kind of joke, or a "it's so fuckin' lame he must be cerebrally damaged?!" kind of joke?

Your eloquent, emphatic comment was actually kinda fun to read. Thanx! Seriously.

Fair enough.

Dolly certainly is a pair of tremendous artists.

Separated by a massive, ever expanding circle of caccophanous chaotic musical madness.

You can love Kenny G, if you're his mother. Or maybe his business manager.

Dolly's a phenomenal Bluegrass artist. She even won a Grammy in 2001 for her album, The Grass is Blue.

Cocaine is helluva drug.

But damn, Shania in those leather pants!

Your perfectly cromulent words embiggen all who are fortunate enough to encounter them, and much more so those who are even more fortunate to not encounter them…

You're also being heard by the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the SS, the regional SWAT team, the municipal crisis center, a lonely guy with a modified scanner radio, some Campfire Girls with an app they downloaded from Google Play, and a roomful of underpaid but still enthusiastic trained research monkeys in a stark, cold,

I use Cortana privately, when I'm alone. But I'm too self conscious to use her when the rest of my crew returns from a mission to our fortified bunker. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for me in the middle of a tactical planning session asking Cortana to get me a listing of the most vulnerable government

And what of porn? What of PORN?!!

I meant to respond to your comment sooner after careful consideration of my words, but even now, after having reread your comment for what must have been the tenth time I can only say WoW! Your last point about audiences needing to clarify the answers to a fictional world seems to me to be a tediously annoying symptom

Vince Gill?!!

Oh, the bad guy from Sling Blade. Yeah, I hate that guy!

Um, Dylan was just awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. For which he didn't even bother to respond to The Academy or publicly comment on it!! So much for your pious reverence for some random Academic Standards of Literary Superiority.

If this is such an insightful inspired lyric about the tragic waste of a life in the service of his country then why doesn't it express the simple truth that the poor bastard should have NEVER enlisted?! Our too often corrupt, sinister, treacherous government can ONLY fight it's cynical bullshit wars if it has a ready

I watched it. This song SUCKED!!! It was so fuggin corny, maudlin, and trite. Most people have shit taste in most things. Planet of Morons…

And while we're at it can we pleeeeeze do something about those repulsive, vile, worthless fans of Kidz Bop Kids?!