Dān Jurzōn

I need to take a long hot shower. In chlorine bleach and Alien blood.

A traditional Xmas prayer.

So, just like at our weekly "poker" game?

My bereavement has left me feeling adrift in the vast pitiless wilderness of space…

The gravity of this tragedy is inescapable.

Mua ha ha…

OF COURSE meat is delicious! We as a species have evolved and thrived—from the earliest moments of our existence upon this tumultuous tortured planet—by consuming nutritious, life affirming meat and thus we find its flavors irresistible. It's biological and it's natural to crave the taste of grilled succulent meats.

Right. And just ponder, if you will, in that already heightened state of anxiety and fear which pervaded the GOP the magnitude of the psychic shock generated by the sudden ascendancy and victory to the Highest Office in the Land of Barack Hussein Obama.

The problem with the GOP base is that the irrational motives which drive their ideology have only been made that much more extreme and irrational as a result of the profound existential threat under which they've been suffering for the past 8 years.

The First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence, and $2,000.

It does speak to a certain conflicted and even juvenile fixation with Authority. They seem to to be struggling with unresolved Daddy issues, angrily and even violently lashing out at more healthy, mature and sophisticated men in positions of power while compulsively drawn to those deeply flawed male authority figures

Or Marge Schott!!

When putin speaks of Seagal he says that he's friends with American movie "actor" while making air quotes.

That's their pathology in a nutshell. Their unhappily suppressed urge—either conscious or unconscious—to hurl the N-word warps their perception to the point that they're experiencing paranoid delusions, such as Obama being the Dark Lord of the Underworld, Evil Incarnate, and a worst of all, a Communist.

Steven Seagal is to Action Films what Ted Nugent is to Rock Music, but Seagal is outrageously bloated and sadly incapable of fending for himself in the wild. Seagal could, however, pantomime bullshit martial arts moves with a bear cub or a racoon.

Yes, that's it in a nutshell. Most country music, like any other bad pop music, is an expression of our ADHD afflicted superficial worthless societal ambitions. The rapidly degenerating, self cannibalizing, uninspired morass of mediocrity which constitutes our cultural heritage reveals the sad tragic truth of where

But if the content, form and style of those lyrics are dreadfully rote, well then you've got shit.

I mostly agree with Riley that lyrics can be a distraction from good music, mostly. It's usually inferior, shitty songs that allow the lyrics—corny, silly lyrics—to dominate at the expense of compelling, creative, original musical artistry, and country commits this crime and sin so often it's just preposterously

By explore I assume you mean superficially and clumsily shamble through these various topics. Leaving Afghanistan excited to get home to your pickup truck and double-barreled Remington. Wow, profound.

But do Country fans even understand that England is a foreign country? Or that Texas isn't? Yoink!