Dān Jurzōn

That he did, Jabroni.

More for me!

I dunno. A little death might kickstart her acting career.

Only in America!

Snort, cocaine?

There's a plastic supermarket bag caught on a jutting rock at the summit of Everest. It's there frantically billowing in the stiff breeze like some strange tattered pirate flag hysterically defending the now abandoned former stronghold of a once brash and boisterous band of buccaneers… *sad horns*

Aw, it's a miniature Goebbels.

My speech patterns are profoundly affected whenever I eat Turkish Taffy. And Meth.

She's a veritable Frontier Catastrophe!

Scuze me, miss, but there's no smoking in here.
—Oh, I'm not smoking. That's my flesh decomposing and releasing noxious fumes. Must eat brains…

An irrational irked man didn't shoot someone in Texas? In Texas?!!

Ignorance is, uh, uh, I fergit the rest of it… Let's party!

Fortunately I always carry a laser pointer on my person, for just such an occasion. I shall highlight your areas of vulnerability.

Even haggard spent rancid celebrities* are better, more worthwhile people than all us filthy riff raff nobodys.

So you're saying you're very fond of anything printed about Nick Nolte?

No, but I smelled it… Wha?!

Dems is fightin words. Put 'em up! Prepare to be boxed about the ears and sternum.

Esperantotally Insane!

Was once attractive? Yeah, sure, absolutely. Talented actress? Uh, maybe, I dunno. But singer?! Aw c'mon!!

Don't mind if I do!