Dān Jurzōn

The fact that the Trumpenstein intentionally does that insane nonsense to his hair and skin color—it's self inflicted!—IS relevant and worthy of ridicule, extreme ridicule, because it's such a bold and graphic expression of his near total detachment from reality. He cannot see what we all see, that he looks like a

Nah, I'm holding firm with my guess.

They're very highly qualified mimes?

Slipping on the ice and breaking my arm felt better on cocaine, for me.

Insane choke sex is redundant, at least for me. I just call it sex.

And what color was that magnificent steed?

I did cocaine exactly 3 times in my life, and I honestly enjoyed it very, very much, but in a very, very limited way. Apparently, it had the opposite effect on me as it does on most people. Instead of making me amped up and hyper it sedated me, made me feel very centered and focused, and I was able to think much more

Deflowered Hillary Clinton. No, I just squirted her with my novelty lapel flower… I Vetted* Her.

I'd require a large quantity of them in order to endure Sunday Mass. I'd crave the Holy Spirit be unto and within me, desperately. "Does this pew have waiter service?" "Yes, it's a two drink minimum, but you get all the thin tasteless crackers you want."

Yaaaaaaaaaas Queeen!!

Campari & lawn trimmings for me!

Pete's "researching" the interior lining of a young boy's rectum, with his "medical probe." Yeuch!

Slow Hand don't do nuthin' quickly.

Seinfeld Quote Generator, your services are no longer required…

What about "just as good!!!"

The Speed of Sound is my heart pounding 1000 bpm.

Mix it with Jews? Dat's fecaktah meshugena!

My mother used to make me Red Bull & Vodkas whenever I was feeling sick, or under the weather, or whenever she wanted me to be drunk & speeding balls.

Honoring the spirit of the ingeniously conceived, finely crafted program I get very drunk when I watch it, or rather, when I valiantly and clumsily attempt to watch it with bleary, double-vision-afflicted, often shut eyes. *hic*

Hillary deleted 33 minutes of this movie.