Dān Jurzōn

Who doesn't?!

Attractiveness is such an arbitrary subjective and superficial criteria by which to assess First Ladies, or any ladies, but Michelle Obama is certainly the most impressively human 1st Lady in my lifetime. From before my time, I understand Eleanor Roosevelt was a very clever, witty, sharp cookie. Bess Truman, however,

Oh, It was the football concussions!! JK. Ford had an unfair bad rep of being clumsy, mostly because of Chevy Chase's constant impression of him as a total clod.

None higher.

That's just Trump supporters. The rest of us are very indifferent and always cruel.

Or experience anything even remotely like human feelings, or breathe air, or know she's a replicant.

She made my pinky stinky.

And he charges double when he doesn't speak!

Yeah, there were a few scenes where Tom Cruise is strutting away from or towards the camera with his arms awkwardly curved out from his body where he's obviously trying to make himself look bigger, or at least more imposing. Made me chuckle.

Watched about 20 minutes of the original today, including the part where Tom Cruise abandons the Chevelle while it's slowly moving down the city street and he casually walks to the curb where he assumes a seemingly pre-arranged position with a small crowd of gawkers and a total stranger lends him his baseball cap to

Yep, it's surreal. But then again, nearly everything about Utah is surreal.

Don't you mean after November 29th? Ha!

Remember those Magic Eye pictures that were popular 20 years ago, the ones where you had to un-focus your eyes in order to see the 3-D image that's somehow hiding in the flat one dimensional repetitive pattern? You actually had to focus your eyes just past the image and then, Shazam!, suddenly a 3 dimensional scene

Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger (when I'm in need)
But she ain't messin' with no broke sane Orangutans.

Hahahahahaha. That was fun.

It owns you, silly.

You sound like an indignant spoiled child. Maybe if you watch the movie you'll have at least an inkling of what I'm ranting about. Or maybe you'll just be one of those confused furious and defensive naysayers who's so arrogantly and obnoxiously sure the problem is the movie and not her or himself. Yeah, my money—all

Ah, that pesky, petulant gadfly of a film, INLAND EMPIRE, has been so thoroughly and utterly misunderstood, if not flagrantly maligned by otherwise perceptive and savvy cinephiles who have so enthusiastically and passionately embraced Lynch's previous masterful creations, but under the malignant influence of their

From what I've gathered from my casual and sloppy investigations, it would seem that Snidely Q. Dooshebaghe, like BOB in Twin Peaks, is less an actual individual person and more so a disembodied, immaterial malevolent presence whose inhabitation of otherwise normal, decent people is the embodiment of pure evil,

Right. In fact Frost deserves a lot of credit for how popular the show originally was, because it was his more linear traditional storytelling which allowed the otherwise perhaps less aware, less tolerant fans to find their way into the more oblique and abstract extremes to which the show eventually ventured.