Dān Jurzōn

What we learn or take away from our seemingly negative experiences is often the very stuff of our greatest joys. Having survived often crippling, fearsomely debilitating chronic depression for nearly my entire life—since before I can remember, before I could speak—I can confidently say that many of the experiences I

As excited and thrilled and out of my mind with insanely wild anticipation as I am for this show, I can't help but wonder just exactly what it will be like. Considering just how shockingly and wonderfully different and aggressively challenging was Lynch's remarkably effective and powerful masterpiece, INLAND EMPIRE,

At the time did you have a big pizza sauce stain on your shirt and your pants were splattered in greasy hot dog juice and mustard and you were eating both an entire 2 foot roast beef turkey ham and meatball submarine and also a family bucket of KFC extra crispy? Yeah, I get that all the time.

Fun Fact: Another Farenthold, Blake Farenthold, is a truly curious character. When Blake was 10 years old his father, George, was found washed up on the shores of Corpus Christi Bay, a cement block had been anchoring his corpse. Apparently, George Farenthold was killed to prevent him from testifying against a gang of

"Your mom!" - Something Trump would say.

And so many otherwise better qualified, underemployed porn directors out there who could have made this film truly impressive, penetrating and explosive… Money shot!

I can sum it up in one single solitary word: TV. Trump has made himself a formidable media celebrity through his frequent and indulgent exploitation of all sorts of media, but primarily through TV. Today, people are so thoroughly, utterly entranced by popular media—willingly and enthusiastically consumed by every

there's some relly relly kewl graphic memes to be made from these clever, insightful comparisons, and I'd make 'em, too, if I weren't so lazy. I can see a pict of Trump photoshopped to look like Palpatine and the text reads something like: "You think yourself more powerful than me?… Oooh look, a sexy 11 year old girl!"

Yes, yes, I agree with me. *wink!*

I, too, would have to be a raging alcoholic if I had to be Joseph McCarthy. The horrible grotesque truth of who I was would necessitate suicidal quantities of alcohol.

I'd rather drink detergent than well vodka.

Well, that's the whole story right there, isn't it, how Nixon managed to turn a routine "everybody does it" incident into an international scandal. It wasn't anything especially hypocritical or vindictive done by the Democrats that ultimately brought Nixon down, it was his own clinical paranoia and outrageous ego to

Trump has already run for President—admittedly it was a spastic, totally inane attempt—so he was primed to run, and maybe the Clintons' offer to pay all his campaign costs was all that was needed to get him on board. He's a massively narcissistic, self deluded egotist, so it's not absurd to assume he craves the

It's kinda interesting to read the conspiracy theories which claim that the Clintons purposely chose Trump to be their opponent because they knew they could exploit his complete, utter grotesqueness to make Hillary look at least somewhat palatable to more than just the radically committed feminists and diehard

Right, that would have been his conscious mind's response. But his subconscious—which was an infinitely more conflicted, dank, and murky place—was surely driving him to much if not all of his antisocial and self destructive behavior. His psychological profile reads like a classic villain. It's mythological.

Yeah, and then he'll have a Brittany Spears/Lindsey Lohan style epic breakdown: shave his head, jump in the ocean in his underwear, steal jewelry from his friend's house, and get 6 DUIs in 3 weeks. If we're lucky.

I often pondered the profoundly odd, almost surreal fact of a Quaker being the Commander in Chief of an invading, occupying military force. Quakers were pacifists, devoutly anti-war who repudiated violence in all forms and historically were often the lone or most prominent voices decrying our nation's military

No, Watergate was not a business as usual affair. It was the expression of Nixon's pathological paranoia and raging ego. He was favored to win the election, but out of spite and demented fury he insisted upon sabotaging the Democrats. And his later declaration that if the President does it it isn't a crime succinctly

Hair Style? More like Hair Pile. nyuk nyuk nyuk

They use it to scrub graffiti off of the Wailing Wall.