Dān Jurzōn

that depressing, cynical show — You say that like that's a bad thing. Curious.

Incitatus mounted a valiant but doomed bid for the high office of Emperor. He campaigned on a platform of increased apple cores and oat rations for all worker horses and he led the effort for much needed reforms to the Imperial Chariot Stallions Union (ICSU). But unfortunately his run for office was saddled with

Is there a more unexpected, absurdly hysterical analogy to be made of an expectant mother resplendently engorged in natal fecundity? I think not!

Dylan did pull off the Bad Boy image, in my not especially humble, or naive, opinion, in the much under appreciated—or entirely misunderstood—Masked & Anonymous, which is one of my all time favorite films, both for its mischievously irreverent finger in the eye of the "man," whoever that might happen to be, and for

Well, to be fair, pretty much everything Dylan did—as well as just about everyone else—in the early to mid 80's was subpar. At the time Bob was mostly a broken, fragile, lost soul, and that video is the epitome of what was worst about 80's videos: the tacky outfits, the shitty lighting, the cliche superficially

"…and a Libtard always cries."

It was rigged! Crooked Stockholm!

The answer, my friend, is knowing how to win!

Also, Crosby was packing heat. And some dried spiced meat. And stinky feat. And it was raining sleet. Neat!

For some strange and inexcusable reason I keep forgetting to watch this, so I guess I'm just gonna binge watch it when the season's done and I'll enjoy it twice as much that way, twice as much as all you faithful, dutiful weekly watchers. Sux 2 B U!!

In practice, he's anything butt. There, fixed it for ya, Perkins.

That spin painting is perhaps the most precise and sophisticated mode of conveying the infinitely bewildering and eternally perplexing swirling vortex of disorienting uncertainty—the maelstrom of terror—which lurks at the heart of our experience of reality, such as it is. And, it's such a pretty picture!

You're probably absolutely correct and fully justified in your righteous indignation over that particular artist's work. Of course, you're probably absolutely incorrect and without the slightest justification for your righteous indignation over that particular artist's work. Either way, how's the heat rash?! Yoink!

The profoundly provocative, tantalizingly taunting aspect of that peculiar little Duchamp "readymade" sculpture is how it mischievously evokes the suspicious, perhaps sinister feelings we all experience when confronted by the eternally elusive, infinitely confounding phenomenon which comprise the essence of reality as

Stop forcing this to happen. It's not natural and God is against it.

Yeah, but that one line, alone, is worth 10—or 162!!—lines on any other show. Lady Dynamite is definitely not a conceptually bound, narrowly focused vehicle for contrived fictional narratives, but rather is an entirely unbounded, unrestrained indulgence in pure & spontaneous creative meandering, utterly indifferent to

Of COURSE she picked AMY SEDARIS!! I'm a pathologically committed devotee of the BAMF WAY!!!

Oh right, yeah, before what was actually said on the bus was well known it perhaps seemed as if the media had taken a couple phrases out of context, and so it would have been irresponsible for us to too harshly judge lil' Billy Bush for his relatively innocuous giggling and snickering. But when the entire discussion

OK, you're right, you're absolutely right. That incredibly ignorant, utterly reprehensible comment by Trump should have disqualified him from ever again appearing on any program which hoped to be thought of as responsible or respectable or other than completely shitty. Booking Trump to host was the height of callow,

You're conflating two separate and distinct issues. Trump hosting SNL was an attempt to grab ratings, which from a business standpoint was intended to increase revenues for the network, even if it was a fucking ridiculous, stupid idea. It didn't cost the network money, so it's not a serious problem, financially.