Dān Jurzōn

What men are standing up and saying it's just guy talk?!! Other than Trump's own campaign staff and direct supporters I haven't heard any men defend his behavior. The only people I know who tolerate that kind of demented, psychotic language are themselves demented psychotics. Luckily I've known only a very few of

Well, if they're trying to be a profitable business they do need to take steps to protect themselves, don't they? If keeping Billy Bushbaby on their payroll was going to cost them millions of dollars in ad revenue plus a ton of bad press, then unless they have a particularly compelling philosophical or even practical


Watch with only one eyeball, assuming you have two. Only got one eyeball? Squint.

I fondly remember the Iraq War/Afghanistan War crossover episode. No wait, not fondly. Glumly. Yes, glumly I remember it. Also, joylessly…

This Jess girl, she's my kind of girl. She's a spunky go getter with a heart of marshmallow. Adorkable, too.

Angry infected tweeting pus boil.

I give you permission to always tell. But who do you tell?!

It's impolite to talk with a full mouth.

Expunged is an offense term indicating an ecstatic, forceful and uninvited emission of personal fluid, possibly into the unsuspecting face of an otherwise cooperative compliant partner. How rude!

I can not only hear and feel the enraged Hillary faithful bristling with white hot scorn at the mere suggestion that she's less than a heroic paragon of feminist virtue, I can also smell it, because patchouli.

Don't start without me! Or with me…

Um, yeah, maybe, maybe not. There's plenty of medical evidence that alcohol can profoundly affect a person's brain chemistry essentially rendering them a different person who exhibits an entirely different temperament with entirely different opinions and even beliefs which may even be diametrically opposed to the ones

Yes, cognitive dissonance is a very peculiar and disturbing phenomenon to witness, particularly in others. However, when we personally experience it—when we actively delude ourselves with impossibly absurd non-realities—we're just being rational, practical and sensible, right?

He'd be a fool not to!! What does "bang" mean?

He's trapped in the prison of his own mind, man.

Upvote early and often!

The defendant is trying to Whitewater the truth. Pardon me, your Honor, I mean whitewash the truth… No, Whitewater. Yeah, definitely, Whitewater the truth. The prosecution rests. And hopefully naps.

She's still got that rancid sour stench of decomposing rotting flesh?

Her forgetfulness is a consequence of her frequent concussions, from not wearing a helmet while crashing on her Big Wheel®.