Dān Jurzōn

Q for spelling!

Posterity will prove just what a bold and defiantly selfless hero to the common man is Donald Trump, and your seemingly petty, sour grapes whiny complaint will be revealed to be the magnificently insightful and wise pronouncement it so surely is. All hail our glorious and magical New Millennium Oracle, Gertrudestein!!

No, it's wrong for you to arbitrarily declare whether or not "his kind" is welcome here, firstly, because dissent and oppositional thinking are vital requirements of a free and democratic society. But more importantly, it's a critical and fundamental aspect of this ostensibly more progressive, more evolved

To a very critical degree, they're all essentially sociopaths who are nearly incapable of the sort of honest, objective self analysis that would reveal to themselves that their lies are easily disproven. These sorts of people exist as supreme masters of their private universe whereby if they declare something to be

Obama had the distinct advantage of being much, much, much more clever and smoother than Hillary, so he made it seem so effortless and even invisible. His tactics and strategies were all in the service of his now obviously masterful plan of zooming past her just prior to the primaries, before she had a chance to

That's not what she was suggesting by her questioning tone. You're an idiot.

In college at parties and social events I observed and also heard about several similar incidences to yours where a guy was being especially aggressive with a girl, usually a very drunk girl, and although the crowd or at least some of the crowd was aware of what was happening it seemed that no one wanted to say or do

You fail.

You're incapable of anything other than the most basic and linear line of thought. You're obviously overwhelmed by the slightest hint of complexity or by anything even remotely approaching subtlety or, heaven forbid, paradox. What's the likelihood of your having some form of cognitive disability? 50% minimum.

Like lil' Bushie, you pride yourself on your feeble consciousness,

Well now, I've more or less reviewed the grotesque collection of ill phrased, poorly conceived ramblings you seem to believe qualify as chat comments, and I can only reiterate my original contention: You're a poop headed doofus. OK, you're right, that's not a very generous opinion, but I feel I've earned the luxury of

What's a real job? Official Self Appointed Breathtakingly Bitter & Miserably Myopic Hypocrite of the Interwebs. Good job, for you.

I am chuckling as you labor so intently to further demonstrate your tragically spastic mental faculties. Good show, ol' boy.

Blaming the victim. Typical! I find your smug arrogance to be exceptionally crapitudinous. For shame, Bozo.

No, I am not your keeper. I am only obliged to respond to this one comment, as it reads, as you've clumsily pecked it out, and to no other. You expect me to first assume that elsewhere you've somehow expressed something less tediously narcissistic? You presume to demand of me a level of conscientious integrity which

Seriously?! You really so fuggin lazy and helpless you can't google her? Fuggin country's being infiltrated by pathetic slugs and sloths. Sorry, that's not fair to slugs and sloths. I apologize to those perhaps slow moving but impressively inexorable fine creatures. But fug you!

Michelle's not hugging little Georgie Porgy, she's helping the poor fool to keep from falling on his smug, stupid, drunken face.

They definitely had more than a few off nights in the mid to late 80's and then towards the end of Jerry's life. I saw a show in '88 where it was like they were playing at their own funeral, it was so morbidly bad. But even within their subpar performances they never failed to at least surprise and amaze me with

Melania has denounced Donnie's words and said she does not support that sort of attitude or behavior, so I'm almost positive she's voting for Hillary. Ha!

Hillary certainly seems, at times, to be suffering from some form of mental affliction, I agree. But while Hillary is perhaps occasionally dazed or momentarily discombobulated Trump, on the other tiny hand, is a full time non stop unrelenting shit storm of craven depraved lunacy. He's batshit crazy, and even worse,