Dān Jurzōn

Somebody punch that pussy!!

And they're not even real breadsticks.

We're men. We wrestled!

I'd toss him in a moat, and then gloat.

The robot is a John who got too rough, too abusive, and the monster is the girl's ever-vigilant exploitative opportunistic pimp.

I always thought he was a good cartoon villain.

"Cha Chink!" That's how Trump makes a cash register sound, because cash registers are now made in 'Gina!

We just gonna hafta agree to disagree. Muah ha ha!

Hmmm, and I always thought that football guys loved having their balls played with by other football guys, with their feet. Shows what I know…

That cloud is mocking me. I'm sure of it, it's mocking me and taunting me with it's fluffy white arrogance. *shakes fist at sky* Fuck you, fluffy white smart assed cloud!

Aside from being either a typo or a misuse of a word the sentiment, itself, is bogus. Most artists do not exist—or insist—on releasing controversial art. It's a distinct and very small minority of artists who specifically or even incidentally insist upon their art being controversial. Most working and self identified

And on my wrist, what with all the fapping that cover incited.

"Stripped, Ravaged, Robbed, and Rejected by Her Drunken, Stoned, Demented and Hard Rockin' Bachelors, Muthuhfuckuzz!!"

I had a "Clashing of Ideals" with a rather mediocre minded college writing professor who one day held up the G'n'R cover as an example of controversial art as an expression of free speech. After a bit of semi-clever discussion with the class she then announced very emphatically that she considered the picture

* shakes your acas *

It's the baseball cap that's the cause. Restricts oxygen to the brain.

Hilariously stupid, or miserably stupid? I realize you gotta laugh or you're gonna cry, but I'm just not laughing. Personally, I find his dementia hysterical but not hilarious.

Yeah, I was not too sure about your rabid raging rant, but now that you've clarified that you do, in fact, wish to emphasize the pathetic quality of his sociopathic depravity I'm fully on board!!

I was thinking he was about to recite from The Canterbury Tales, what with all that Tabard Inn vibe and whatnot.

We Americans have our choice between a Silly Ham and a Depraved, Sociopathic Turkey. Politics!