Dān Jurzōn

And frequently make references to your never seen, probably nonexistent wife who is always dismayed with your seemingly befuddled, clueless manner. "My wife is always on me about not traipsing across her just cleaned floors, but I honestly can't tell the difference…"

That definition cloaca-d me up.

What about "The c**t on that mouth!!"

In my grandfather's case the ladies would be staring at his knees, because that's to where his nutsack had dropped.

No, definitely not Space Jesus. If anything, it's Space Satan!!!

The future setting is key, though, to introducing and more casually handling currently impossible or exceptionally challenging concepts and realities. For instance, by making some yet unrealized technological achievement an element of the narrative—such as teletransportation—less material or metaphysical concepts can

…and those white bubbles made of some kind of organic/synthetic hybrid material. Kinda like buoyant alien sea polyps. Creepy.

Exactly! And there's the added dimension of that peculiar psychosexual confusion incited by all that milky seminal fluid spurting from Ash's whirling form. It was disturbing and perverse and so damn freaky.

Yeah, that's usually the point which separates the boys from the men. I'll leave it to you to decide which is which and who's who. Ha ha!

Ah, a message film. How mature and intelligent… Not!

That's funny, made me chuckle, but it's totally utterly absofuckinglutely not true. Dead shows were some of the most sublimely musical and primal and visceral experiences of my life, and I was almost always stone cold sober and straight. The couple times I tripped at a Dead show were definitely other worldly and

You could have really started a bitter fight by making a wisecrack about Golden Corral. Shitbrains and Ignernt Yokels love them some Golden Corral, by Crackey!

Which burger is less violently destructive to Earth's fragile, imperilled and rapidly degrading natural environments? That's a question I would hope millennials are asking themselves, as well as all of humanity, corrupt and oblivious as we all truly, sadly are. Amen.

Aren't video games so yesterday?! I thought only demented cretins still played them, and maybe impotent sterile middle aged man-boys with malfunctioning pituitary glands… Yoink!

Discouraging people from voting has been a defining tactic of US elections for at least 30, maybe 40 years. The smaller the turnout the less protest there is when a prefered candidate loses. If fewer people vote than the stakes are lower and the losing team only has itself to blame for not better motivating their

Why ask why? Just burrow deep into the warm nurturing Earth, like a mole rat.

Oh, it's more than enough fair. It's hella-fair!

The porno version of The Black Hole is much more satisfying.

You're gonna hurt yourself with all that fancy heavy duty thinking…

That's a Bingo!!